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===Chapter 196 Anchor Hall "Your New President" ===

Chapter 196


After the voice fell, there was a dead silence in the ears, and there was always a response to listen to the other party.

Wen Jianyan didn't care either.

He yawned, lay lazily on the bed, and closed his eyes leisurely in the darkness.

Relationship, he is patient, wait.

A night without dreams.

After a night's rest, Wen Jianyan woke up feeling extremely energetic.

He opened the Nightmare app.

After the instance of 【Ping An Nursing Home】 ended, he directly blocked the system broadcast, and after listening to all the rewards, he finally had the opportunity to take a closer look at his points and achievements.

Obviously, some time before his live broadcast room was disconnected, the number of people online in the live broadcast room soared to a terrible number. Therefore, after the last instance, his anchor level was directly upgraded from B level to A level!

Essentially, the level of Nightmare anchors can only be increased by the audience's online reward points, and audience rewards are not counted. Therefore, for anchors who can reach this level, the experience of passing instances is already very rich and accumulated. A certain stable audience is basically the backbone captain of each conference.

A rookie like him in the company has reached such a level after five instances. This promotion speed is really terrifying.

What's even more frightening is his total points.

In the last instance, the rewards from the viewers in the live broadcast room, coupled with the high income brought by the "Double Crown", even if the amount of sharing was reduced due to the increase in level, 20% was deducted by the black heart system in the end, and Calais also It still reached a terrifying number, which directly pushed Wen Jianyan to the top of the standings.

Ranked 34th on the Nightmare live stream anchor points list.

In the front and back of this ranking, there are all prominent figures from various major associations, with a row of glittering trophies hanging behind them, which looks very prestigious. Only the 34th place, with a greyish initial head portrait, hangs A string of "garbled" names, the trophy is bare, and it looks particularly abrupt among the crowd of bigwigs.

This rookie who suddenly appeared in the top 50 rankings attracted the attention of almost all anchors.

The forum is buzzing.

"Who is this 34? It looks too conspicuous on the leaderboard... Did some big guy change his name, profile picture and trophy on a whim?"

"Isn't it? I scanned around, and it seems that the positions in the front row have changed, and there are few people."

"The case has been solved, it's a rookie! Do you remember the strongest rookie who achieved a lot of platinum achievements a while ago? Back then we gave him an invitation letter, and that was the avatar he wore at the time."

"I'm going, I'm actually the strongest rookie?! How long has it just passed... Do you want to be so scary when you jump to the front all of a sudden?"

"So who would poach him in the end? It can't be seen on the homepage, it's all blank."

"It's really not clear...but I guess it will definitely be the first few meetings? Ordinary meetings can't hold back such awesome characters."

After closing the forum, Wen Jianyan did not contact Luce directly.

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