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=== Chapter 171 Ping An Sanatorium Dog Training Master===

Chapter 171

The room was dimly lit.

It is still the familiar configuration, narrow space, nailed iron bed, so barren that there are almost no extra items.

The two faced each other at a distance of a few steps.

The air was dead silent, so quiet that one could hear the sound of each other's breathing.


No. 02 stood where he was, with no expression on his face.

Across the dark shadow, the man stared fixedly at the young man not far away with his dark brown eyes, the bottom of his eyes seemed to be shining with some kind of deep and strange luster.

Suddenly there was a cry:

"Good job."

It is this comment.

Wen Jianyan didn't answer.

"So, I want to ask, what are you going to do next?"

No. 02 still had that strange tone.

She didn't seem to be irritated by Wen Jianyan's murderous attitude at all, and didn't mind that the other party was really going to kill her just now.

The man's curly hair is black and soft, his complexion is healthy, chocolate-like brown, with a pleasant smile on his lips, he still has that sunny, heartless appearance.

"Should have been found... now in my ward."

But unhurriedly, he took another step forward.

The distance between the two got closer, and the tall figure of the other party cast a shadow, which happened to gather the young man in it.

"Be with me."

Under that harmless skin, a trace of inhuman oppression full of madness and aggression leaks out, which is the common point of all high-risk patients.

No. 02 is still available.

His eyes were full of heat. Although he didn't touch any skin of the young man, he still invaded the safe distance of the other party with a sense of existence that could not be ignored.

"Aren't you worried?"

The man's articulation is not very clear, with a slightly exotic accent, and the ending is vague and soft, like a lover's murmur.

It's not like a threat, but like a spoiled child.

But the feeling of danger is always with me, and it's about to come.

"No bells."

The young man spoke abruptly.

No. 02 lowered his eyes to take a panoramic view of the opponent's face.

Did not speak.

"Whether I'm in the illusion or not, the bell can't be blocked," Wen Jianyan was still calm and calm, as if he was completely unaffected by the other party.

"Let me guess, what the bell represents is not the alternation of the outer and inner worlds, but the invasion."

That is to say, there are two realms from the very beginning.

Every time the bell is rung, it means that the overlap between the two worlds is deeper, which is why, every time the bell is rung, the time in the inner world will be longer.

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