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===Chapter 286 follow-up===

Chapter 286

Wen Jianyan sat up from the bed with a gloomy face.

The furnishings and layout of the room in front of me are the same as before. The only difference is that the shadows in those gaps have completely disappeared, and are filled with orange fire lights that make people feel safe. Everything has completely returned to normal. Apart from

He raised his hand and touched his throat.


A sharp stabbing pain hit, Wen Jianyan gasped.

His brow furrowed fiercely.


Although what happened just now is like a dream, but everything that happened in that space can be truly proved on the body, it is neither reality, nor is it completely equivalent to a dream, but the dog Wu Zhu Stuff... the mouth is really merciless.

He lowered his head and checked the inside of his calf.

Since the bite was not heavy, the light red tooth marks have almost disappeared, but...

The touch of the other party's lips seemed to be still on that piece of skin, the teeth were biting very lightly, it didn't hurt, but it was strange, the coldness made the wet tip of the tongue lick provocatively, leaving an itch that could not be forgotten and ignored .


With a gloomy face, Wen Jianyan raised her hand and rubbed her calf vigorously, then climbed off the bed.

He habitually used one foot to reach a slipper beside the bed, but the other slipped through the air.

Just as Wen Jianyan bent down to search under the bed, she suddenly stopped.

He remembered.

My other slipper was thrown in the dream space just now.

Wen Jianyan straightened up, sat on the edge of the bed expressionlessly and sulked.

He likes those slippers very much.

Or he specially found someone to order.

As a result, not only was one lost, but it was also lost in a place that he never wanted to go back to for a second time in the near future.


Wen Jianyan felt so angry no matter what he thought about it, he punched himself on the soft pillow

...everything is not going your way!

He stepped on a slipper on one foot and walked into the bathroom.

The specially customized extra-large luxurious mirror reflected the young man's face that dripped water, and a deep blood-colored tooth mark on his Adam's apple.

The wound didn't bleed any more, but on his overly fair skin, it looked extremely abrupt, dazzling and overly warm.

What's worse, in order not to attract unnecessary attention, this wound cannot be spent on points, and it can be directly dealt with by the system.

The existence of ouroboros can passivate the succubi's surveillance, otherwise the instance of Ping An Sanatorium】 would not be so easily polluted by Wu Zhu fragments in other instances. Wen Jianyan has already understood this point. The meeting happened in the form of a dream, just like the previous few times, it could bypass Nightmare's surveillance and detection—so, Wen Jianyan was sure that his actions this time would not enter Nightmare's radar range.

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