Chapter 9: Niall Knows.

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Hey guys, it's been such a long time since I uploaded. And I know not many people read this throughly. But for the people who do and have been, I love you so much and i thank you for your support to keep writing this.


Harry's pov:

I wonder what happened to serenity... I have her my number so she'd call. I don't want to sound like a girl, but there is no way I'm calling first. I don't want to seem clingy. But then again, she probably feels this way too. Ugh this is so hard. I need to see her so badly. When I saw her in the airport, I have never felt so happy in my life. Her beauty lit the room, whether she knew it or not. I wanted to watch her play her video game for hours. I remember her eyes scrunched up when her pokemon took a hit during battle, or when her lips curved upwards when she won a battle. She was flawless and amusing to watch. If she was a cinema, I would buy every ticket to her show. GOD HARRY THAT WAS A PERVERTED THOUGHT. Ok, ok. I wish she had a reality show. I would watch that on repeat. No? Ok. Harry, your analogies are horrible. Ok, she is gorgeous, beautiful, stunning, and her face is etched into my brain. There is no way I will give up on this, I've never felt this way about a girl. And I think I like it, Serenity must be my girlfriend. I need her, I need to protect her, I need to make her happy, and I need to make her healthy. I know she is sick. Her video said it all. I am not going to just forget about something like that. She is beautiful and she needs to know.

I saw her latest video. It was her by a pond singing. In my opinion, it was my favourite. She looked happier, more peaceful. And it looks a lot better on her. I think moving was the best thing for her. But I'm a bit nervous, the boys think they know her from somewhere. They think she looks familiar. And they are right, they have seen her before. But they haven't put two and two together and realised that Serenity is the anonymous singing sensation. I'm scared that they will though, and soon. I can't be the one to tell them either, that is Serenity's choice.

A light slap to my cheek brought me to reality. Louis chuckled and shook his head "Stop thinking about her, your cereal is soggy"

I look down and see that Louis is right. Soggy cheerios are stuck to the bottom of my bowl. Gross.

"Cheer up Haz, you'll see her soon"

I sigh "I don't know why I feel this way, but I can't stop thinking about her." Louis smiles, could he be hiding something. He smirks. That little bastard, he's definitely keeping something from me.

"Go get dressed. It's nearly noon."

I grunt "Remember the rule Lou? No pants before 1pm." I smirk, picking at my now soggy cereal.

"Suit yourself." Louis says devilishly and walks out of the room.

15 minutes and a new bowl of cereal later, the rest of the boys come strolling into our flat.

"Is there something going on? Seriously." I ask irritated.

They just stare at me smiling. The was a quiet rap on the door. "I got it" I mumble to break the awkwardness. They boys break into a fit of laughter. I shrug it off and walk swiftly to the door and swing it open. There stands the beautiful serenity. And I'm still in my boxers.

I let out a high squeal and run away to put some clothes on.

Louis pov:

All of us are on the ground laughing. Harry's face was priceless. His cheeks turned bright pink and he let out a high pitched, girly squeak and ran away flailing his arms.

"Did anyone get that on camera?!" I choke out. I get up off the floor and jog over to the door to let Serenity in. When i reach the door, I see her hunched over, tears running out her eyes, laughing. I burst into more laughter. We walk in together just in time to see Harry walk back down in a pair of tight jeans, and his Ramones t-shirt. His cheeks were still flaming red and his eyes were focused at the ground.

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