the way out

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Ch. 13

The way out

[Ariels POV]

   Inside of me is like a fluster of emotions. There's something changing inside. Usually when I think of this man, I think of him bitterly. As I look at him now, I can only feel compassion. But how could I just trust him so easily? Well, he is my father. 

   "You have to get out of here as soon as possible..." I say. Him being here puts all of us in danger... if he left us because he knew that they wanted to hurt us, that obviously means that Dani knows we exist...


   "Eric is dani's son! If he finds out ... Oh my gosh. He will kill you!"

   "Don't you think I know that? But with this storm I'm not going anywhere. If I try to leave now I'll be dead anyway." I look up from where my eyes had been posed on my hands. 

   "What else can we do?" 

   "Just sit here and wait till the storm passes. There's a woman coming soon who will hopefully distract Eric anyways..." He looks away and then back. 

   "Wait... Do we even know if Damien Rodriguez is still ALIVE!?!" 

   I ponder this thought. Now that I think of it, neither Dani or Eric ever talk about there family. Maybe one of the hundred conflicts I'm currently dealing with was never really a conflict at all. 

   "I'm not sure." I reply dumbfounded. 

   We fall into an uneasy silence, listening to the whistle of wind and the fast unpaced rhythm of the hard pounding rain outside. 

   "I remember when Leah was younger, she used to come and get in the bed with me on nights like this..." I think aloud. Leah...Leah! 

   "Why were you sending me those mind messages about Leah?" 

   "Someone is going to kill her." His bluntness astounded me. 

   Leah is going to die? I can't even think those words. I would trade myself to save her any day. There is no way Jeremiah is telling the truth, but in my heart I can feel it... Something is wrong. I know I have to stop it. 

   "Who? When? Why? and Where? What can I do to stop it?" 

   "I'm not really sure... All I know is that someone is going to try to drown her." 

   "What did you mean by my power? I can read minds. Doesn't help too much with saving peoples lives." 

   "Oh but it does... but that's not what I said, I said unlock your other powers." 

   "I have more?" 

   "You will..."

   "Like what?" 

   "That's for you to find out." 

[Jeremiahs POV] 

   I watch Ariel as she falls asleep. She looks so much like her mother, well except that she has my dark red hair while her sister has her moms lighter red. Yet they both have my eyes. When I look in Ariels eyes it almost kills me to see how much I have hurt her. How much shes been hurt because I wasn't there like a father should be to protect her. How could someone have abused my baby girl? It makes me sick to think of someone hurting her. She is a stronger person than I will ever be. She is so willing to give up her life, her happiness, and her health for Leah... when I couldn't even come back. She still doesn't trust me, I can tell. The way she looks at me... Her eyes filled with sorrow, and pain. Once twisted with anger as we fought. But just as we talked, I saw something new on the horizon. Something that I can only pray I didn't make up. I saw forgiveness and compassion. Something I clearly don't deserve. I heard a soft knock at the door and got up to open it. The young man, Tristan, is standing there. 

   "I'll be leaving now." 


   I leave, turning to take a glance at my first born. 

'I promise that I will always be here for you from now on..' I put this in her dream before I swiftly walk out the door.

[Ariels POV]

I wake up to the continuous ringing of the door bell. I get up and walk hurriedly to the door. 

"Coming!" I yell. 

When I open the door I see a beautiful Hispanic woman who looks about twenty-one, with mid length curly black hair and dark gray eyes, like the color of the clouds that have formed outside, enveloping our world in darkness. She was wearing black skinny jeans, grey boots, and a red shirt underneath a thick black jacket. Shes smiling kindly at me when I suddenly notice that she is shivering. I look around her to see that it had snowed a good two inches last night. 

   "Please come in! You may have a seat on the couch, can I get you anything?" I said, motioning for her to sit on the couch. 

   "Do you happen to have hot chocolate?" 

   "Yes! I'll be back in a moment." 

   I strode to the kitchen and quickly made two cups of hot chocolate. When I came back, the girl had taken her jacket off. 

   "So, whats your name?" I ask politely, handing her a cup of hot chocolate. Taking a sip of my own.

   "My name is Maria. And yours is?" her voice is perky and energetic, it makes me feel happy. Like these last couple days haven't been my worst nightmare.

   "Ariel." I say as I take another drink of hot chocolate.

   "Well, it is nice to meet you Ariel"

   "Same here, so, what brings you to our home?"

   "Oh, Eric didn't tell you?"

   "Tell me what?"

   "That his wife was coming to visit."


hey:) so some things that confused people: Damien and Dani are the same person but Dani is his nickname. Damien 'Dani' rodriguez has two sons, Damien 'Dani' Rodriguez the second and Eric. 

also, if you dont remember the 'mind messages' go back to chapters 5 and 9 one is a thought that isnt hers and the other is a dream

dedicated to wiz_girl_123 for being an awesome fan:)

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