neautral hopes

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Ch. 16

Neutral hopes

[Blades POV]

I watch as Tristan wraps his arms tightly around Ariels abdomen; sobbing into her stomach. 

" dammit!"

he screams. I watch as he jumps to his feet and paces the grass next to the lake. This is really happening... Ariel is really dead. He goes back over to Ariels still body and sits down, pulling her into his lap. He bends his head down and cries, Ariel in his arms, rocking back and forth. 

Jeremiah pats him on the back and whispers something in his ear. I look at Jeremiah's face. His eyes are red and puffy, like he had been crying too. 

[Tristans POV] 

"Tristan, you have to let her go..." he whispers in my ear. How dare he tell me that I have to let her go! I shake my head, kiss her forehead. I close my eyes and bow my head. This isn't happening, this isn't happening... The only one I ever truly loved is gone. I never got to show her how much she meant to me... Now She's going to die, and i will live knowing that I did absolutely nothing to save her. 

[Ariels POV] 

I swim in a pond of water, a pond that has water a piercing blue that is only seen in fairytales. I swim towards a bright light, but every time I move closer to it, the light fades a little. Just as I am about to reach the light, I must come up for air.

[Tristans POV]

I look up and see a ghost. Wait? Did I just say ghost? I see Ariels ghost, it isnt paying attention to anyone, just walking, gaze fixed on a point in the sky that is not visible to me. 

"no...No!" I yell.

I hear a shaky in-take of breath in my right ear. I look around at everyone.  They are dead silent, staring at me and Ariel... Probably from my sudden outburst. The ghost is gone. I look down at Ariel. All of a sudden I feel a slight movement and see her chest raise slightly. She's breathing. 

I look up to the sky. Very funny God. I send a silent thank you prayer up. 

[Erics POV]

"Eric, theres trouble." Maria says as she walks in. 

"what do you mean?" I say calmly.

"my gift... Someone is hurt."

I think about this... Maria has the gift of knowing when someone is hurt, how they are hurt, and how to fix them. She can just feel it. I guess that's why she became a doctor. 

I study her face for a moment, then get up and walk out of the room. 

" you have to hurry! She needs to be warmed up, now."

"you know who it is?" 


[Leahs POV]

I watch as Tristan holds Ariel in his arms. He sis still crying,  but now they are tears of joy. 

Ariel almost died for me... Crazy or not, she obviously has the heart to do that... It makes me feel like such a bad person because of the way I have been treating her for the past week... I don't know about what she said, but she saves my life, so she deserves to at least be treated with respect and friendship...

I watch as Tristan suddenly lays Ariels head slowly down on the ground and gets up. He walks back and forth. A young woman comes up and checks Ariels pulse, Eric follows close behind her.

" Eric... She's breathing, but her body isn't working... It's almost like she' a coma.."

[Marias POV]

I watch this girl that I barely know, and I can feel that there's nothing wrong with her... She will sleep for a day or two, then wake up and be fine. 

"she has power sickness." I state.

"but she has already recieved her powers..." Eric says, questioningly. 

"well, she just got a new one." I say. Power sickness is a sickness that some people get after getting there powers. You see, Some powers are so strong that they overpower everything, well at least at first. Your body shuts down, and stops working properly. It becomes 'sick' and does something to heal itself. She has it good, because her sickness is sleeping. Mine was dehydration... No matter how much water I drank, it was never enough. It lasted three days.

"well, we better get her to a warm bed, only time can tell how long she will sleep."

"will she be ok? I mean, how is she going to eat?" a young, handsome man asks. 

"that's none of your concern Tristan. Maria, do you think you can stay in Denia's room until Ariel wakes up?" when he speaks to Tristan his voice is cold, but he ends in a question directed towards me. 

"of course. I'm going to need to check on her though, to make sure that her body is healing properly. Make sure she has plenty of blankets. You don't want her freezing to death after what just happened." I look over at the young man. It doesn't take my power for me to diagnose him... Broken heart... Well, healing now. 

"Tristan, would you like to carry Ariel to her room?" I ask politely 

"yes..." he says quietly.

I watch as Tristan, so tall, handsome and muscular, picks up Ariels small frail body. He holds her close to his chest and starts walking towards the house. Everyone else gets up and follows, except me And Eric. I watch Erics face, he glares at the back of Tristans head. 

"you better not tell her anything..." he says through gritted teeth. I let down my Head strong facade, remembering... I rub my arm, where the bruises from his hands had Once been.


hey guys:) sorry for the late upload, and its not edited:( im sorry i hope to have the edited one up soon! pleas vote comment and fan!

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