Suspicions, Secrets, and Wishes.

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Ch. 14

   I stand up to go throw some trash away and look back down at Ariel. It's senior year and we are just hanging out in the park. Ariel lays on the blanket we brought and looks up at the sky. Her green eyes are shining so brightly that the sun can't even compare. I watch as she slowly looks at me. She takes a long, slow drink of her soda,  her face shows pleasure...? This girl is weird! 

   "You know sweetheart, I feel like I'm being replaced by that drink." I say with a grin. 

   "Don't be silly, the only one who could replace you is-" she suddenly stops and looks around. She whistles at a guy walking by and I see his face turn a deep red. "He is totally fine, you can't blame me babe." she says mischievously. 

   I hang my head in fake shame as I turn around to throw the trash away. I know how to work Ariel and I know the toll that my reaction had on her. About half way to the garbage can when I feel her light figure jump on my back. I hold her up with one arm as I continue walking.

  "Babe, you know your the only one for me!" she says, peeking at me from behind my back. I turn my head and look at her. She has the most beautiful smile on her face, my whole plan for revenge just disapeared. Literally, what was I doing again? she kisses me gently. 

   Now I know you might be thinking, isn't kissing someone who is on your back kind of awkward and painful? Seems so, and maybe with any other girl it would be but with Ariel, it's pure bliss. She springs off my back and takes my hand in hers. I watch her as she plays with my fingers, wrapping then unwrapping them, caressing my thumb, squeezing them. She smiles and loops her arm through mine. She titled her head on my shoulder and we just walked and talked for the rest of the day.

   I wake up to the sound of Erics voice drifting through the house. He sounds agitated and I can't quite make out the words he's saying. He doesn't seem to really be talking to anyone in particular, just kind of yelling at himself or something. I think about my dream. Those were the good old days, Ariel used to be so happy, and so alive and to think that sadly it was only two years ago. I don't know what happened but I want the old Ariel back. Being with her, it's just not the same now. It's like a part of her is missing, and the other is hiding. Dont get me wrong, I still love her. God! I couldn't even stop loving her if I tried! Shes the reason I get up in the morning. To see her eyes, more beautiful then all the stars combined, even now when she struggles to cope. Her neck, her hair, her lips, her nose, her delicate yet strong frame.... I love it all. But whats inside amazes me the most. All that she's been through... I mean, just to think about someone hitting her; it makes me want to do extreme things. If I would have known sooner, I don't know if I would still be a free man now. 

[Jeremiahs POV] 

   I listen to Tristans thoughts as he thinks about Ariel... oh I wish I could help them somehow. I know it must be very hard on both of them to hide a love like that. I can see it just in the way that his eyes get that little sparkle whenever her name is mentioned. Or the way Ariel bites her lip nervously when theyre together, afraid that someone could come and take him away from her at any moment, not able to grasp him like she wants to.  It seems like Ive missed so much of my daughters life, both of them. Ariel is in love and and Leahs here too. How did that even happen? I missed out on Ariels prom, Leahs first day of school, and i cant believe i missed threatening their fist boyfriends! Reading them bed time stories, tucking them in, kissing them on the forehead, telling them I love them and...hearing them say it back.

[Logans POV]

   I wake up slowly to the grayness that rolls through my window. The storms gotten worse. Much worse. It was hard to sleep with the wind swirling all around, the clang of tree branches as they hit the window, and the sobbing that was coming from down the hall. I have to fix Leahs broken heart somehow. I don't even know what's wrong with her but I know that I have to fix it.  I get up and walk out to the kitchen. Leahs there staring off into space. I grab a bowl of cereal and sit across from her. She looks at me and cocks her head to the side. I smile, and she smiles back. For a moment, I see a glimmer of sunshine come through the window of the kitchen. Her face becomes distracted, sad again, and almost as if in reaction to her mood, the sun disappeared behind grey clouds again. 

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