I. eXposed

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season 1, episode 1

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season 1, episode 1

Brixton shivered and pulled her leather jacket closer to her not admiring the coldness the rain was giving. The sound of a train passing caused her to turn her head, she was on high alert. 

"You getting anything?" Marcos asked John. The girl brought her attention back to the man squatting down with his hand on the ground. 

"Working on it" The man with longer hair responds. Brixton rolled her eyes. They had been 'working on it' for about an hour. 

"you seriously think she's here man? I mean, she was just two miles away?" Marcos further questions. 

"She's close" Brixton was trying not to lose hope. She wished she would have stayed back at headquarters with her dad and brother. 

"Closer than the last time she was close?" Marcos says causing Brixton and Lorna to let out small chuckles. John gets up while sighing. 

"She's moving... strangely" John explains. 

"yeah, i'm pretty sure he just likes keeping us out in the cold" Lorna says. 

"The cold is taunting me" Brixton complains. Part of her having pyrokinesis meant she thrived in hot temperatures, unlike her brother who adored cold ones. 

"Hey, what if she has like super speed or maybe-" Brixton stops talking when Marcos uses his hand to shine light on part of a police light. 

"Look. There." Marcos shows everyone. 

"Well, that's interesting" Lorna says. 

"I bet it's a teleporter" Brixton finalizes. They all move to investigate the light that was in half and broken. Brixton kneels down with John to study the light. She hears the conversation going on above her and silently gags. 

"She's there" John states as he and Brixton stand up next to the couple. "Inside"

John pulls on the door and finally gets it open. Brixton silently cheers. She would be home soon. Marcos and Lorna take one side and John and Brixton take the other. John hears the cops coming and they both run to tell the others. 

"Guys, there's trouble" John informs everyone. Brixton gets a good look at the lady and she couldn't help but notice that she was beautiful. Why were mutants always prettier than normal people? She questions in her head before getting dragged out of the room by John. 

"What is it?" Marcos asks. 

"Cops. Coming fast this way. Kill the lights" John says. Lorna blows out the lights.

"How many?" The green haired girl asks. 

"At least ten, from the west and south" John informs. 

Brixton hides in between two windows next to Lorna. The police sirens make her heart start pumping faster and her legs get all jittery. She rapidly bounces her left leg. 

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