Poison in the drink

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Art credit : Genshin Art

• I got this idea from @availe on TikTok , Full credit to them ( Taking Request )

Warnings : ⚠️
• Suicide
• Poison
• Death

- Bad grammar
- Spelling mistakes
- Swearing
- Bad ending
Story ⬇️

Another night as always, kaeya went to the tavern around 7p.m the usual. As kaeya entered the tavern, Diluc just stared at him, "good evening master Diluc~-", "Ugh, not today kaeya. I had a long day."-Diluc "oh whatever, the usual please~"-Kaeya. Diluc gave him his usual drink and told him-"now drink up and get out of my tavern." Kaeya then just looked down not saying anything."What's with that expression ?.." Diluc thought, but kaeya just took his drink and went upstairs.

After an hour diluc had thought everyone had left the tavern so he decided to close up but suddenly he heard someone still upstairs. He went up to check who it was and saw it was kaeya. "Cmon kaeya, get up tavern's closed." Kaeya looked up at diluc and suddenly he felt like he was going to puke, diluc of course got him a bucket. "Geez how much did you drink ?"-Diluc asked Kaeya, "I didn't drink much heh.."-kaeya diluc saw how kaeya was really dizzy and couldn't seem to stand so diluc told kaeya to hold still while he locked the doors and walk him home.

As they left the tavern diluc was supporting kaeya by holding his arm and was slowly walking, "cmon kaeya don't be such a sloth and work with me here !" After a few more minutes of walking ( probably 2 minutes ) kaeya started to cough really bad. "Ok, ok let it out" diluc thought kaeya was going to vomit again but instead, kaeya started coughing blood. "Blood ?!" Diluc thought "Kaeya ! Are you okay ?!" Diluc thought- "He's burning up real bad !" Suddenly diluc came to a conclusion that kaeya wasn't drunk , he was poisoned !

"Change of plans kaeya, I'll bring you to the cathedral"
*At the cathedral* Barbara instantly took kaeya in a room and started to treat him, while diluc was outside just waiting. A few minutes later Barbara came out, "thank you for bringing kaeya here master diluc, it seems like he's been poisoned by something ... and he's not doing so well he has a high fever and I can't stop it ..." Jean was in the room already looking at kaeya "poor guy, he never really tells us anything, he's always hiding his true feelings. I wonder who could've poisoned him." Said Jean."Big si- I mean Master Jean ... There's still a problem, we need to find out what type of poison poisoned kaeya, so we can make the sure there is an antidote !"- Barbara "It can't be that hard ... It's not like he would poison himself, what if he got hit by a sword and got poisoned by it ?"- Jean "well ... We don't have any remnants of the poiso- ..." But before Barbara could finish her sentence she was interrupted "We do."-Diluc "alright then, Master Diluc, please bring the remnant of the poison, I will go call Albedo and Sucrose."- Jean

30 minutes passed and albedo checked the glass of wine that Diluc gave him and did find out what type of poison it was. "Interesting ..."- Albedo "The substance used in Captain Kaeyas drink is an ancient Khaenri'an poison."-Albedo "Wait, Khaenri'ah ?! But how is that possible ?!"-Jean "It's very easy to make actually , it uses very common ingredients that anyone can find in Mondstand and Liyue. But the question is beside myself, who would have the knowledge to great this substance and why did they attack kaeya ?"- Albedo, The room became tense but in the end everyone left the room afterwards hoping to find the culprit eventually.

The next day diluc visited kaeya and happened to see him awake, "What a night that was ! Ahaha ! "-Kaeya ,"*sigh* you almost filled my tavern with vomit."-Diluc, Kaeya just laughed. "Your fever is still quite high, how are you feeling right now ?"- Diluc, "I'll be finee" kaeya responded, "But seriously tho, kaeya do you have any idea on who could have poisoned you ?"- Diluc "Hmm, Oh come on Master Diluc, we both know we are the only ones who had access to my drink !"- Kaeya, "I guess your right ..."- Diluc , "Hey Diluc, why did you save me ?.. and why did you even bring me here ?.." kaeya asked "I'm not a monster, I would've leave you alone to die in my tavern. I also feel responsible since it happened in MY tavern, I mean some people still need you like Klee and not to mention you are one of my best customers, how do you think that will make me look ?"- Diluc, "yea. A customer ..." Kaeya mumbled under his breath, Kaeya just looked down in a depressing face. *Dilucs thoughts : "That face again ..."

"You know diluc if you had just let me die there ... Perhaps I would've been able to see father again ..."-Kaeya, "Kaeya that isn't funny !"-Diluc, " I MEAN IT !" Kaeya yelled, "I miss him too ! Don't act like your the only one that's allows to, I know you say otherwise but Crepus raised TWO SONS !" kaeya yelled again, "But even so at least one if them wasn't a dirty liar !"- Diluc, "Oh please don't make me laugh ! You yourself is a liar !"-Kaeya, "The fuck do you mean ?! I have no ide-" Diluc was cut off, "YOU PROMISED NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS YOUD ALWAYS BE THERE FOR ME ! BUT WHEN I FINALLY TOLD YOU THE TRUTH YOU FUCKING ABONDONED ME !" Kaeya yells starting to starting to tear up, "K- kaeya I-"-Diluc "Just leave !"-Kaeya. Diluc did what he asked and left.

*The next day*

"Master Diluc !"-Barbara "Oh, Hello Barbara."-Diluc "I just wanted to give kaeyas cape back. He left it in my tavern, I'll leave in a bi-"-Diluc "No please stay !" Barbara interrupted "Could you ... Perhaps talk with captain kaeya ?..."- Barbara, "huh ? Why ?" Diluc asked, "Well he's getting worse ... Albdeo said the antidote should've but worked ! But ... It seems ...-" Barbara suddenly stopped talking , "Please Barbara, tell me." Diluc begged "Well how should I say this ... It seems like Captain Kaeya doesn't want to get better ..."- Barbara "He never fights the poison and when albedo told him to drink the antidote again he refused !..."- Barbara "how could I've been so blind ?!"-Diluc, Barbara was shocked about what diluc said as he started sprinting to kaeyas office, Diluc checked inside of kaeyas clothes and found the poison. "There it is."- Diluc frowned. "KAEYA WHERE ARE Y- *SLAM*"- Jean "Master Diluc, have you seen kaeya ?! He's not in the room and it seems he's not in his office either !"- Jean, Barbara was behind Jean and crying "I'm so sorry Master Diluc ! This was all my fault ! He most probably ran when I came to talk to you ..."-Barbara, "Where is he ?! Do you have any cl-" Jean was cut off by diluc saying- "I think I know where he is." "Follow me." Diluc demanded.

*They went to the top of the hill close to Dawn Winery ( idk the name )*

By the time they got there they found Kaeya drinking the bottle of poison, Afterwards Jean and Barbara understood who poisoned kaeya. They all ran towards Kaeya but it was too late.

"I am sorry, brother."

Kaeya was gone, well. Maybe Crepus and Kaeya are both watching over Diluc now, who knows ? On that day, Kaeyas beautiful funeral was held.

1345 words

Author note :
• This really isn't sad but I'm gonna make something sadder Tommorow, daily reminder I do take request so feel free if you want ( Only kaeyas angst sorry ) Wattpad didn't save my writing earlier so I had to rewrite 🤬 oh well more angst Tommorow !

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