Thirty -three

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Fiora's Pov

When we reach our apartment, I was the first to exit the car and was hastily making my way to lift, I entered the lift first followed by Jungkook sir, Taehyung sir and Miss painted face. I go and stand in the corner trying to avoid Taehyung Sir's gaze but he was still looking at me making me shift from one feet to another.

When we reach our floor one by one everyone exit the lift and Jungkook sir turn towards me and said

"Good night Fiora" he says and taehyung sir utter

"It's only 6 Jungkookah"

"Yeah but she says she will sleep early so yeahh...Good night sweet dreams" Jungkook sir said

"Yeah sweet dreams of me" Taehyung sir speaks and I glare at him and Jungkook sir laugh while miss Suzy rolled her eyes.

"Hmm" I hummed and spin to make my ways to my dorm. As I enter the appartment I see yeonnie eonni sitting on the sofa and watching tv. As she see me she wave her hand and smile at me and says

"Hey Rooh, you're back how was your day" she asked me I move near her and sit beside her laying back on the sofa comfortably.

"Fine" I say, she looks at me and look at me with her furrowed eyebrows.

"What happen why so dull humm..." She says and and I shake my head as nothing.

"What to eat something" She says, I open my one eyes looking at her and nod my head as yes. She gets up and goes to kitchen and bring me a noodle soup  bowl along with some fresh juice. I take the Bowl and start to eat.

"Is it good" eonni asked, I looked at her and nod while slurping the noodle, she smile at me and move her gaze and continue to watch tv. I eat and put the dishes in the kitchen and plop myself beside her.

"Full" she asks I pat my stomach and show her a her thums up sign Making her giggle. I too was  watching the tv along with her but I don't know when I slept there on the couch. After sometime I wake up and look at the wall clock it shows 10, woah Its night already.

"You are awake come lets have dinner, I was waiting for you to wake up" she says while pulling my arm to get me up. I shake my head and lazily slumped on the couch.

"No I am full, I don't want to eat now" I say and while streching my body, evening sleep is the best. Well sleep is always best.

"Yhaaa get up I was waiting for you so we can eat along, now come on come on"

"Eonnii~~ I don't want to" I whine shaking my head as no.

"Fine then I won't eat as well" she shot back and sit beside me
Folding her arms around her chest.

"And for you to know, I didn't had my lunch too" she says.I huff and agreed with her and we both eat our dinner, while eating she says

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