New start for the demon prince

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Long time ago, there's so many different creature live together in one world, and of course the most famous creature was Human, Demon, Angel, Griffin, And more, They all lived happily together.

Until one day, the demon and angel start having a war it caused so many people died so the demon surrender to hell realm... They surrender because the Demon Queen going to have a prince which they don't want to let the prince get harmed by those angels.

Everything going according to plan, but sadly the Demon Queen and Demon King always have arguments about something that not important, sadly the Demon Queen decided that she should live in human world instead and she bought her son with her too.

The demon Queen and the prince live happily in human world, unfortunately their happiness got crashed by the angels... The Angel of Justice and War found out the Demon Queen was shape shift as a human just to fit in, so he killed her without feel any regret. The worst part is he killed in front of her son, "MOM!! PLEASE DON'T KILL HER!!" The angels pretend they didn't heard him and cut his mother's head in front of him.

"Mom... Mom please wake up... Don't leave me here alone... Please.. I will be a good boy.." He sobbing while the angels just stare at him without feel any guilty for killing those child mother in front of him. The kid was hugging his mom body that covered in blood, he wish that the angels kill him instead of kill his mother.

A few days later, someone pick him up from the street, he thought someone will take care of him but unfortunately for him it was like living in hell, worst than hell actually. Everyone in that place always touch him in inappropriate way. He keep wishing that someone will save him. But sad for him that everyone in that village turn blind or don't give a shit about him.

He suffered alone for 5 years in room that the person who lock him inside, he never get to see outside world for 5 years since the person always come in to satisfied himself with using his body as a toy... "... Why... Why did this happened to me... Why did my mom get killed... Do I deserved to live like this?... Why... Why... Why... My whole body hurts... I hate it here... They always touch me in weird way... I don't like it... I hate it... Someone... Please... Help me... " he hugged his legs as he cried.

A few days later, god really heard his prayers. Someone really saved him, he doesn't have energy to wake up but all he can see was someone attacked the guy who lock him in that filthy place, he pick the kid in his arm and start to fly away from that place.

Who is this guy.. Is he really trying to saved me or he try to steal me away and do the same shit like that guy... When I look up I can hear a soft voice talk to me "Don't worry, you'll safe with me...", I accidentally fell asleep on his arm for a few hours.

When I wake up I see all my body got covered with bandage, I even smell something nice I try to stand on my feet sadly my feet still weak from all of the trauma... The loud noise come from me make the person who 'save' me immediately come to me.

"Oh gosh! Are you okay? You should call me when you want to get up" he said to me.

"Why do you care... It's not like you will be different like the previous guy..." He sighed and help me get up and sit on the bed. "Why would I do the same? You're still a child.. I'm not the same person like him you don't have to worry.." I still don't believe him..

He keep trying to comfort me but I  turned my head away from him. After a few minutes later he get up and bought some food to me, "I know you're hungry so here I cook you some porridge in case you're hungry" I grabbed the bowl away from him and sniffed the food to make sure it doesn't have anything in it, but my stomach keep growling so I immediately eat it like an animal.

When I was eating he try to touch my legs, I hissed at him and crawling away from him, "I'm sorry, does it still hurts? Here I have a medicine for it. Take this, you can apply it for yourself since I know you don't like to get touched" I stared at the 'medicine' then I look at his face and started to teared up "I'm sorry if I treat you like you're a bad person...".

He patted my head, " it's fine kid, you just got some bad memories from it don't you? But now you don't have to worry, I will take care of you from now", why does this guy really nice to me... But I liked it since he really didn't hurt me.. "Uhm.. I should introduce myself since you're nice to me... So... My name is Kentaro... Hiroshi Kentaro.."

He gave me a warm smile, "Nice to meet you Kentaro, My name is Kiyoshi, Mitsuki Kiyoshi. From now I will be your dad".

"Mn... Papa... I hope you will take care of me from today..."

-end for the backstory of the main character-

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