Chapter 1

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Third pov??

It was a peaceful morning in Fukushima city, but unfortunately the peaceful morning got interrupted by someone's screaming.

"No please... I'm so sorry..." He whine as the other kids keep kicking him, "Sorry doesn't fix anything you filthy demon!! Go back to where you come from!!" The boy yelled. He cried because his body covered with bruises and scars from all the villagers 'treatment'. After they already satisfied with kicking the 'Lunatic creature' they left him unconscious on street alone.

A few hours later, He woke up on someone bed. He looked around then he realized his body got wrapped with a new bandage, he feel bad because his new father always need to change a new bandage on his body everyday after he got beat up for no reason by those cruel villagers...

Ken pov

After I got a little rest, I woke up from bed and saw my dad pack up his stuff, I was confused and ask him "Papa, why are you packing your stuff?" Then he look at me with a faint smile. "I think it's time we should move out from here, I don't want you to live in this village anymore.." I look at him with surprise, but didn't he said to me that this house was his mom house that already dead?..

"But... Papa, you don't have too..." He walk to me and patted my head "Ken... I'm doing this for your own good. If I want to take care of you, I need to keep you safe too."


"No buts, Now go pack your stuff we will leave today. Also when we arrived call me as A-Die" he said with a soft tone to me like always.

I nodded as I go to my room and only take my clothes and some of art I make just in case I can sell them for money. After I packing up my stuff, My father pick me up and start flying until we reach the destination.

It took 2 hours since he can fly as fast as he can, The place name is 'Guâng Yu city', it's a strange name for a city... Where are we?

I look at papa, but he seems like talking... In different language with someone... They all was a human? But some of them are elf and... Dragon?? I thought the dragon was only a myth... A few minutes later papa told me to put my stuff inside my new room.

As I entered my new room, it has a weird scene... It smells... Like... Sandalwood?? What a weird smell but I kinda like it. All of the room doesn't look like my old room, because it look way more better than my old room.

After I put my stuff inside my room there's a woman approach to me with a smile, "Hello there little one. My name is Shang Huali, you can call me as Shang-jiejie"

I look at her confused until my father showed up, "I'm sorry Shang-jiejie, he doesn't understand us since he's not from here"

"Ouhhhh it's okay Didi, I should try to talk with him in his language then"

The woman turn to me who still have a confused look on my face.

"Hello, My name is Shang Huali. You can call me as 'Shang-jiejie'. May I know what your name is?"

I nodded and tell her my name, then she said she will call my as 'A-Jian' I'm still confused, I told her my name is Kentaro... Why did she change my name to Jian?
But if it was my new nickname I will accept it with all my heart!!

As they start talking my stomach growling too loud until both of them stop talking turn to me...

I apologize to them as I look down, "It's fine A-Jian, Do you want some food? I can cook you some" I look at her and nodded more than three times than I should because I was too hungry...

We went to Shang-Jiejie house and she start to teach me how to cook too it was fun since she really welcomed me to this village. Plus most of people here are nicer than old village.

After we done cooking, I eat too much until I'm too full to eat more food. Shang-Jiejie and A-Die laughing because I eat like someone who didn't eat for 3 days.

I helped Shang-Jiejie do the dishes and play outside after helping Shang-Jiejie. When I was play on the field alone, I saw kid who look younger than me with a long black hair and a green-ish blue bangs, black and white robes, he also have White, blue skies gold-ish wings.

I start to climb on the big Tree I found, I was scared because he reminds me of my mother killer... But it weird.. The killer doesn't has fade blue on his wings... And he didn't look this young..

I look at him, and he stared at me... "Hello? Are you new here?" He asked me while looking for me on the big Tree I climbed. I slowly peeked, "Yea... I'm new here..."

He start to climb and sit beside me, "No wonder I never see you around here" He stared at me for a few minute then said "You have a beautiful blue eyes! Also are you a demon? I can see your tails look like one of demon I saw on a book" I nodded slowly and I feel a little sad... What if he hate me after he knew I was a demon... What if...

When I was thoughts of my old village and how they treat me, The kid who's younger than me told me something that no one ever tell me before... "What did you say?.. " I asked him with a surprise tone. "Oh, it just I never thought I will met a demon today. My dad always said Demon are evil, filthy, ugly, and should be killed without mercy... But I think he's lying, You look nothing like he described to me. You're beautiful!"

I feel my cheeks burn a little, I look at him then I look down while kneeling on the branch I've climb before. "Well thanks... This is the first time people said something nice to me..." I said with a small smile to him.

He patted my head "No need to thanked me I just tell the truth! Also I hope we will meet again. I need to go now."


Before I could ask him for his name he disappear like magically poofed into a thin wind... Luckily he dropped something, and it was... A moon charm? I grabbed it and hold them tight on my hand 'I hope we've meet again too... Moon boy..' I thought on myself before I go back to my father new house.

-End of chapter-

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I hope more people read this- Even though I might update a little late since I need to think about plot, storyline, and yk I'm still learning how to wrote some novel-

Thank you so much if you read this! I really appreciate it. And don't forget to vote

Yes I wrote this at 3 am..

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