Chapter 4: The Royal Blacksmiths

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Aria was 10 years old, still no sign of Lloyd returning. Her mother was leaving for a meeting with representatives of the village leaders. Aria was being left with her uncle, he lived in the city and was a singer.

"Are you sure you're really ok with watching her?" Layla asks her older brother "I'm sure Clouse can-"

"Don't you worry your pretty little head Layla" her brother places his hand on Aria's head "I'll take good care of her, besides the Ninjago Talent Show is coming up, she'll love to perform."

"Thank you, Lou," Layla smiles

"It's the least I could do for my little sister while she's off running Ninjago" Lou smiles "The house's been pretty lonely without Cole here, it'll bring back memories having a child running through the halls."

"Aria be good for your uncle, ok?" Layla hugs her daughter "I'll be back soon, I promise."

"Ok mommy" Aria squeezes her mother

Layla rushes off back into the carriage, she blows Aria a kiss as it sets off.

"It's been a while since your last visit, how about you show me what you've learned" Lou suggests happily

"Ok" Aria agrees and the two head inside


Aria was running through her dance for the 4th time for Lou who was watching proudly when there was a knock on the door.

"Honestly" Lou scoffs "Doesn't anyone use the doorbell anymore?"

Aria stops dancing and turns to him.

"Aria dear could you make us tea?" Lou asks, "I'll see who's at the door."

Aria nods and heads to the kitchen while Lou goes to the door.

"Just a moment" Lou calls out before he opens the door.

"Hey, dad. How long has it been?"

"What? You too good for the doorbell?" Lou slams the door

Aria looks out from the kitchen as the doorbell rings.

Lou happily opens the door again "Haha. Come on in, son. It's been forever. What did you bring? A quartet? Come in, come in. I've got a kettle tea on the stove right now"

Aria stood in the doorframe to the kitchen as her cousin Cole and 3 others she didn't recognize walked in. After being seated, Cole groans. Aria walks into the room with a pot of tea.

"Cole, you remember your cousin Aria?" Lou gestors to her as Cole and all the ninjas look over at the small girl approaching.

"Ari" Cole happily stands up

Aria places down the pot "Hello Cole"

"It's been so long kiddo" Cole hugs her.

"Cole manners!" Lou smacks him over the head with his cane

"Ow" Cole rubs his head and faces his father "Come on we're family."

"That is no excuse, even among family you show her respect." Lou scolds

"Ok ok" Cole groans and looks at the ninja "Oh guys this is my cousin Aria... Princess Aria... of Ninjago."

The ninja all kinda stared at her until suddenly they all quickly stood up and bowed almost falling over.

"Forgive us princess"


"Oh my god"

Aria giggles at their clumsiness.

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