Chapter 28: Aria and Svern

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"And so Master Svern will take Aria on weekends to train her." Layla finishes with a smile

The royal family sat together eating dinner with the Overlord, Layla had explained to Harumi and Richard that Svern was Aria's new teacher. Of course not revealing he's the Overlord.

"I see, you must be excited Aria." Richard says happily

"Not in the slightest." Aria replies looking annoyed

Because Layla was technically married to Richard she couldn't reveal who he really was, it could collapse the monarchy. Especially if the respected Empress of Ninjago was revealed to actually be in love with the Overlord.

Svern lived in an old mansion across town, Layla thought it would be best if they had shared parenting, so Aria could get to know her real father and not the one who seemingly tried to eat her.

"Do i get a choice in the matter?" Aria asks

"No." Layla and Svern reply with smiles

"Ba bwa." Zero reaches out to Aria "Aaaa"

"What?" Aria reaches out and takes Zero out of his seat.

"He's such a smart baby." Layla says then turns to Svern "Zero absolutely adores Aria, he can't say her name yet but he tries."

"I can tell." Svern nods before taking a sip of his drink

Svern observes his older daughter and young son. Aria was lost in thought as she shook Zero's hand, who seemed happy with just that.

"Mmmmm maaa" Zero looks at Layla

"Here mom." Aria walks over and hands Zero to Layla

"Aria why don't you get ready to go with your fa- sensei, Master Svern." Layla laughs nervously

"Yes.. mother." Aria walks out of the room


Aria and Svern sit awkwardly across from each other in the car as it makes it's way to the other side of Ninjago City. Svern didn't exactly know what to say to his daughter.

"So.. did you know I crumbled that building twice." Svern points to borg tower

"Yes dad." Aria crosses her arms "I was there once."

"Right.." Svern looks down awkwardly

"Why do you want to be here?" Aria asks "What's your real intentions?"

"I just want to be with my family." Svern replies

"Yeah right." Aria huffs looking out the window

"Aria, I'm serious." Svern argues "I lived for hundreds of years planning my destruction of Ninjago, and I failed. I have no powers, I only regret not being able to be there for you and your mother. I want to be in Zero's life, and yours."

"It's a little late to be in my life." Aria looks at him "I don't need you anymore, I raised myself."

"Star listen-"

"Don't call me that." Aria says annoyed "Only mother can call me that."

"I'm the one who gave you that nickname." Svern sighs

" did?" Aria's gaze softens

"When you were born I felt a new meaning come into my life." Svern sighs "But I was blinded by my greed and hatred to truly appreciate you my daughter. The day your mother brought you to me, my heart weakened and I saw my little star."

"Then why did you try to eat me?" Aria asks "A couple years ago."

"I didn't try to eat you." Svern replies "It.. does seem that way though doesn't it.. I was protecting you from the fight. If I died you would inherit all my power, and you did."

"Well take them back." Aria says

"I can't" Svern shakes his head "They are yours now, my time as the Overlord has passed, just like the time of the first spinjitzu master had come to an end so has mine. It is time for the next generation to take her."

"I don't want to be you father!" Aria shouts

"I'm not telling you to." Svern reaches over and puts his hands on her shoulder "We just have to find your savior, like I found mine. The first spinjitzu master succeeded in trapping me because of my weakness, your mother. Then the green ninja defeated me, because I had you. Aria, we must find the light in your darkness."

"..I have mine" Aria looks down "But he wants nothing to do with me."

"We will prepare for the worst." Svern smiles to her "I might haven't been there for you growing up, but I'm here now, and I will help save you. I promise."

"..I missed you father" A tear goes down Aria's face before she hugs her father

Svern smiles and hugs her back "I missed you too, my little star."

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