Chapter 17: Ninja Roll

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Aria yawned as she sat next to Chen early the next morning. All the contestants were woken up early for the next fight.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What about us? Are we supposed to just stand here?" Griffin questions

"You get to help anyone you wish, or hurt for that matter. You're free to choose sides. I'm not a dictator" Chen says

"What's going on?" Aria asks

"Thunderblade." Clouse replies with a smirk "It seems the green ninja is outmatched."

"What?!" Aria looks over at the rink

While Lloyd only had Jay and Kai everyone else was with Chamille.

"The odds don't seem in his favor." Clouse chuckles

"What was that you sad about us having targets on our backs?" Lloyd asks looking at the two ninja

"Don't worry, we're still a team—" Kai falls again "Ah!"

Jay sighs "I gotta be honest. This doesn't look good"

"That's not fair.." Aria puts her hand over her necklace "Lloyd.."

Chen addresses the "Now-"

"Wait!" Aria stops him

The contestants all seem puzzled.

"What is it princess?" Chen asks with a smirk

"I changed my mind.." Aria stands up "I wish to participate in the tournament as well."

"What?!" Lloyd shouts

"Aria don't!" Garmadon takes her arm "You have no idea what's going on here, the ninja will be fine."

"Don't treat me like a child Sensei." Aria pulls her arm away and looks at Chen "You told me yesterday I could still participate right? So let me, I want to join."

"Hmm, alright" Chen grins "The Princess is hereby a participant!"

The elemental masters looked shocked.

"That's not fair!" Griffin speaks up "She's the princess! If we hurt her the royal family will go after our heads! Don't you have to be an elemental?! This is the Tournament of Elements!"

"Yeah he's right" Jay agrees "No offense, but you can't participate princess."

"Too late" Chen sits down "go go, down with the others."

Aria walks down to the rink and puts on her skates.

"What in the world are you thinking?!" Lloyd asks furiously

"I was thinking.." Aria takes a green helmet and puts it on "You could use an extra person."

"Aria, you're not a ninja, you can't do what I can." Lloyd tries to reason "Listen to me, I'm your best friend, I know more then anyone else here that you can't fight."

"Guys all things aside." Kai steps in "It's too late now, Chen see's her as a participant the moment she declared it, that was his goal."

"Yeah as a princess, Chen can't make her be in the tournament unless she says so." Jay adds

"...You know.. they were oddly persistent in dropping hints about me joining." Aria says

"Then why would you do what he wanted?!" Lloyd shouts

"Well for one Lloyd, stop yelling at me!" Aria pushes him "Look, I know what I am, but the hero doesn't always have to protect the princess."

"I'm just worried about you." Lloyd says as she walks away

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