Chapter 77: Darkness Within

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In the Crystal Temple, Lloyd wakes up to find himself hanging from Vengestone chains. He sees the Council of the Crystal King carrying the Golden Weapons.

"The weapons of Spinjitzu. How did you get those?" Lloyd asks

"Oh, good morning sunshine." Layla smiles to him "Sleep well?"

"Mother, don't dodge the question." Lloyd responds

"Oh you called me mother." Layla squeals "It makes me happy that my son-in-law acknowledges me."

"The golden weapons?" Lloyd questions again

"We got them from the monastery. Where else?" Layla replies

Lloyd shakes his head "Master Wu would never hand them over without a-"

"A fight?" Layla smiles "They're gone now, like the other ninja."

"You're lying!" Lloyd shouts

"Now now, you shouldn't yell at your mother-in-law Lloyd," Layla lectures "that's bad manors."

"You're gonna pay" Lloyd growls

"Ooh, there's that darkness again." Layla giggles "Just like your father."

Lloyd takes several deep breaths to calm himself "You're wrong. I am nothing like my father."

"Keep telling yourself that," Layla walks away "I have a ritual to prepare. It is time for the coming of the Crystal King."


Later that day in the Crystal Temple, Lloyd struggles to free himself. Layla and the villains stand together with the golden weapons.

"You don't have to do this." Lloyd tries to reason with her "You can still live happily with your family."

"You don't understand Lloyd, my family isn't completed without him." Layla turns to the villains "We're ready, commence the ritual."

The villains let go of the weapons, which hover above separate stands.

Layla holds her spellbook which was originally in Aria's possession "Ven-ge-ictin. Ven-ge quisay! Ven-ge ictin! Ven-ge quisay! Ven-ge fosar! Ven-ge jovit! Crystal King! Ven-ge ictin! Ven-ge quisay! Ven-ge-fosar! Crystal King! Ven-ge-ictin! Ven-ge-quisay! Ven-ge-fosar! Ven-ge-jovit! Crystal King!"

The weapons glow and time seems to slow.

"Crystal King, my lord. Follow my voice. It is I, your wife. I summon you forth. Break free of your bonds. Take form! I summon you back to your rightful place as supreme ruler of Ninjago!" Layla lifts her hands up

"Yes" The Overlord emerges from the crystal and laughs, he turns to Lloyd "What was it you said to me the last time we fought, hmm? Oh, yes."

"Overlord?!" Lloyd looks shocked

"It ends, now." the Overlord laughs menacingly.

"B-but I thought Aria said you were already alive?!" Lloyd questions

"Of course I was, but I was useless without my powers." the Overlord laughs

"Svern!" Layla runs towards him

The Overlord wraps his arms around him wife before placing a hand under her chin.

"My Crystal Queen," the Overlord smiles "you did a good job, my love."

Layla's eyes glow pink as she smiles.

"Where is our princess?" the Overlord asks

"Right over there." Layla points to Aria's crystal that was moved to the room

"Great.." the Overlord walks over to it, he holds his hand up in front of it.

"Leave her alone!" Lloyd shouts trying to break free

"Leave her alone." the Overlord laughs "I will show you, what your dear princess should've been all along."

Aria's crystal began to glow, Lloyd desperately tried to break free to save his lover.

"Don't!" Lloyd shouts, realizing he couldn't break free "Please stop!"

The crystal soon shatters and everyone had to look away from the light. Lloyd slowly looked back, afraid to see his Aria. Lloyd shook his head at the being who walked out towards them.

"Hello my princess" the Overlord smiles to her

"Good morning dearest." Layla smiles

"..." Aria stares at them

"Aria.." Lloyd tries calling out to her

Aria slowly turns and looks at Lloyd "Lloydie.."

"Save me

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"Save me."

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