Chapter 34: The Jade Princess

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Aria is walking down the hall with Zero when she notices Harumi's room open. She peeks in and sees Lloyd jump out the window.

"Is something wrong sissy?" Zero asks

"Harumi is missing," Aria replies turning towards him

"What?!" Hutchins rushes up to them "Did I hear that right?"

"Yes, we should go find her." Aria says


"Rumi, I should get you home" Lloyd says with a smile

"Yes. You should be home, your Highness"

They turn around and they gasp "Hutchins!"

Lloyd felt hands on his shoulders "Care to explain why you're out here with the Princess, Green Ninja?" Lloyd turns his head to see an annoyed looking Aria "Aria.." he looks at Hutchins "Look Rumi and I were just going for a walk"

"Rumi? A walk?" Hutchins frowned

"Addressing a princess like that, how improper" Aria walks over and stands beside Hutchins

"It was my idea. Please don't be angry with Lloyd" Harumi pleads

"It's troubling to see you two are on a first name basis. The streets are not safe at night, your Highness. I must insist you return with me, at once" Hutchins insists and they start walking away

Aria turns and follows them as Lloyd makes a sound of annoyance.

"Aria you understand don't you?" Lloyd asks catching up to her "I was just trying to make friends with her, like you and I are."

"Harumi is nothing but trouble." Aria replies "Don't try to make friends with her."

"How could you say that about your sister?" Lloyd questions

"She's not," Aria glares at him "my sister."

Aria rushes to catch up with the two as Lloyd looks confused.


The next day the Ninja are training.

Cole chuckles "Moonlit walks on the canal, sharing food. Sounds a lot like a date"

"It was not a date" Lloyd argues

"A date: a social or romantic engagement. Often involving a meal or an intimate setting" Zane explains

Jay laughs "Haha! You can't argue with a Nindroid!"

"Last night I was just being nice" Lloyd sighs "I have no romantic interest in Harumi"

"Mhm" Kai says in disbelief "you can't have both sister."

"Ari- Princess Aria has made it very clear she doesn't see Harumi as a sister" Lloyd replies with a sigh "I don't get it."


Aria sat with Zero reading a book as he practiced his swordsmanship.

"So, did you two fight?" Zero asks as he put his sword down

"Did who fight?" Aria asks

"You and Lloyd," Zero replies wiping his forehead

"I'm trying to read." Aria turns her page

"You're avoiding the question." Zero sits at her feet

"And you're annoying." Aria responds

"I don't get what you see in him sissy." Zero sighs

"In Lloyd?" Aria asks as she shuts her book "Well.. he's hard working, caring.. and someone who was there for me in my hardest times."

"But I'm all those things too." Zero says with a joking smile "Does that mean you love me?"

"As my brother, yes." Aria flicks his forehead

"Hehe." Zero laughs "Well I-"

The palace explodes and they stood up quickly. 

"What's going on?" Zero rushes out of the room

The Sons of Garmadon entered the palace.

"Aria," Zero turns to her seriously "We gotta go."

Aria rushes up to him to see much of the palace on fire. Zero takes her hand and runs through the palace with her, they come across the hall where the ninja fight against Mr. E, but with the Mask of Vengeance, he overpowers them and breaks the case holding the Mask of Deception. Before he can take it, Kai sends a fireball at the mask, which destroys it.

"The mask!" Aria shouts

"Not real." Zero tells her "Let's go."

Lloyd and Harumi leave the Palace grounds on a motorcycle with the Mask of Deception, and Ultra Violet and several Sons of Garmadon goons chase after them. The roof of the palace soon collapsed in front of the door and was on fire.

"We can't get out!" Kai shouts

"All exits are blocked off" Nya says

"We have to find the back exit!" Zero tells them

"What about mother?!" Aria panics

"We have to get out of here princess." Zane says

The group rushes to find another exit. As the sun rises, the other Ninja and Aria are climbing the highway, having escaped the destruction of the Royal Palace. Lloyd picks them up in the Destiny's Bounty. Harumi approaches them as Zero pulls Aria up onto the ship with the rest of the ninja.

Harumi steps up "The Emperor and Empress? Where is Hutchins? Did they—"

"I'm sorry, Princess. They didn't make it" Nya replies sadly

"They.." Aria looks at Nya

"We couldn't admit it to you then, I'm sorry." Nya says sympathetically

Kai looks at Lloyd "What about the mask?" Lloyd shakes his head, Kai then turned to Harumi "I promise you, we'll find the people responsible for this."

"Once again, I am alone" Harumi looks sad

"You're with us now. And we'll make sure to find out who is behind all this. They are not going to get away" Lloyd comforts her

As the other ninja's comforted Harumi, Zero and Aria look back at the destruction of the palace.

"Mother surely isn't.." Aria begins

"Theirs no way." Zero puts his arm around her "I'm sure she's fine."

Aria begun to cry as Lloyd approached them.

"Lloyd.." Aria looks at him

Lloyd wrapped his arms around her "I know, I'm sorry, it'll be ok."

"I.." Aria begun to full on cry and hugged him

"I'm here Ari," Lloyd comforted her like when they were children "Cry all you want, I'll stay until your done."

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