Chapter 30: Zero

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Layla, Svern, and Aria sat in Zero's room together. They had shut the doors so no guards or unwanted "family" members overheard.

"It was a long time ago." Svern began "Back when my soul was divided, your mother and I lived together in the Shadowlands, where you found my- I mean your fans."

"Oh yeah totally forgot I had those." Aria says then shakes her head "but it's home to all those monsters."

"Those monsters are Vraal's" Layla tells her "They use to be human."

"How did they.." Aria looks confused

"Turn into that.. yeah.." Svern sighs "It was my first attempt at making an army, after it failed I switched to stone and that worked."

" could you do that?" Aria asks horrified

"We're getting off subject." Layla intervenes

"At the time, my.. old friend was still alive." Svern says "Your mother got pregnant and well Zero was born. We thought he would be my successor and inherit my powers, but I was still the ultimate evil in the world."

"Mhm" Aria nods

"After my old friend had died, I thought I was in the clear to begin training him." Svern continues "He showed signs of being an Oni, but no dragon. The more I pushed him to reach his potential, the colder he seemed to grow."

"Your father began to grow weak, his mortal body wasn't anything like his original." Layla explains "While me and Zero seemed ageless, time wasn't on his side, so I sought help."

"You went to the time brothers." Aria says

"Yes." Layla nods "I was the one who convinced them that they were better, that no element was superior to their's."

"You currupted them." Aria looks down

"Yes." Layla smiles "I did it so easily too."

"Your off subject dear." Svern says

"Right." Layla looks at Aria "I was an Oni of creation, like the first Spinjitzu Master. Which is why along with the Hands of Time, we were able to create the essence of time. I was able to stop your father's body from aging, but in the end the brother's faced Wu and Garmadon, and lost."

"Zero, was the one who helped them." Svern says "After watching his mother conspire with the Hands of Time, he approached Wu and Garmadon, he told them about chronosteel which was located in the mines within our land. When the Time Twins caught Zero, they reversed time to he was never born, and as you know my soul was forced back onto that cursed island."

"The night after I was visited by someone in my dreams who told me my son would return." Layla wipes a tear from her eye "Truthfully when I was pregnant with you many years later I thought it was him, but when you were born I was excited that I had a little princess. But now Zero's back.. he's really is back.."

"Chances are though, Zero might have not been my successor, perhaps destiny had it that you were always meant to be." Svern says

"So what happens now?" Aria looks over at Zero "If the essence of time is what destroyed Zero, what are the chances that it's also what brought him back? Cause their's no way mom got pregnant and gave birth in the time I was in the tournament of elements."

"Your right." Layla nods "Master Wu found him, and brought him to me, he told me this is your son, and left."

"So somehow, he knew." Aria says "He knew when Acronix would show back up, and he knew when Zero would too."

"Aria, I know this is a lot." Layla takes her hand "But please, we don't know what'll happen if the essence of time are destroyed, help save your brother?'

"Of course." Aria stands up and smiles "That's a given."

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