Chapter 12: The Student of Garmadon

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"Hello Princess Aria, I am Sensei Garmadon" The old man smiles to her

"Wait" Aria looks surprised "You're the former... Lord Garmadon? Lloyd's father?"

Months had passed since the final battle; Aria was strictly confined to her room. Not as punishment, but as a precaution. Aria was allowed to meet with Lloyd a couple times, the two had shared their stories of what happened while apart. 

Lloyd told her all about how he was a bad kid and released the serpentine before finding out he was the green ninja. Aria told him about how she studied all sorts of things as princess. As for her explanation of how she he came to be older. She simply told him she had such a high fever the only way to avoid death was to become older so her body could fight it off.

Just a white lie, it was partially true. Lloyd then set off to travel and receive metals, promising to return home soon. Lloyd treated her as when they were little, as if she was his best friend. Which she was, Aria just hoped by now, he would treat her as his fiancé.

"Lord- I mean, Sensei Garmadon, has decided to open his own Monastery" Layla explains to her daughter "To train young children, he has given up weapons and wants to focus on peace."

"Really?" Aria questions "That must be a nice change."

Garmadon chuckles "Yes, it is."

"Aria, you'll become his first student." Layla tells her

"What?! Me?" Aria looked surprised

"Yes of course" Garmadon smiles "Who better to teach you about your powers then me?"

"M-My powers" Aria looks at her mother

"Don't worry Aria, he knows" Layla places her hands on her daughter's shoulders "He's always known."

"Me and my brother had known, since the first day you were born." Garmadon clarifies

"How come I wasn't locked up then?" Aria asks

"Why would we lock up a child?" Garmadon questions "You've done nothing wrong; nobody chooses their father. Layla is the Empress of this realm and you the princess, regardless of your father."

"Lloyd becoming your betrothed wasn't a coincidence Aria, we chose him for a reason." Layla tells her "You and Lloyd were born in the same hospital, at the same exact time, it was like destiny."

Aria looked between the two completely lost.

"Beside the fact that my wife insisted on it" Garmadon looks away "She thought you two looked cute together."

"Anyway, Garmadon stayed around for a couple years before leaving, he observed you and you showed no signs of power." Layla explains "So he left to pursue his own... greed. You and Lloyd grew up together and nothing has happened, until now of course. Your mark has appeared and your eyes... they've been turning purple."

"And nobody's told me?!" Aria runs to a mirror to see her green eyes staring back at her, she looks at the two who were smiling "Is this a joke?"

"Of course not, the purple eyes are genetic from your father." Layla explains "They only show up when you use your power, which is why you're going with Garmadon... to train."

"Can I really control them?" Aria asks

"Of course," Garmadon tells her as he stands up "Nobody can control your powers but you" he holds his hand out to her "So will you come?"

Aria hesitates before reaching her hand out and takes his "Yes"

"Well, my young pupil" Garmadon smiles "You have much to learn."

Aria travels away from Ninjago with Misako and Garmadon, to the new place she will call home for a bit. They arrive at the monastery and walk inside. Aria looks around at all the equipment and training dummys.

"I know it might take a bit for you to get used to, so we don't have to start fast." Garmadon tells her "We can begin next week-"

"No" Aria turns and looks at him confidently "Let's start now."

Garmadon smiles and taps his staff on the floor "Then, let's begin, my student."

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