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Home is where you go when you are happy,

It's also where you go when you need to cry or be alone.

Home is where you can be yourself unapologetically.

Home is where you feel the safest.

Home can be two eyes that stare into your soul,

And let you know you are not alone.

Home can be two ears that listen,

A voice that comforts you when you need it.

Home can be the hand that holds yours,

And guides your way.

Home can be the arms that embrace you,

On your happiest and saddest days.

Home can be the smile,

That brings out yours.

It can be the laughter,

That all pain cures.

Home is where you realize,

What it truly means to be happy.

It can be a place, a person,

or a feeling.

You are your first home,

And then,

throughout your life,

you encounter other homes.

Some are temporary,

Some we must move from.

But there are homes that we will forever want to return to,

To find comfort.

Take care of those homes.

Don't light a candle to then leave your home unattended.

Don't risk a fire burning down the one place you love the most.

Take care of the one you feel is your favorite home.

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