Loving a Thug Chap.2

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Chapter 2

 I walked into my class trying to look innocent but that never works

"Keisha jacks, please come to the principal office" A woman on the loud speaker shouted out. It was probably Mrs. Jackson cause she got that Ghetto 'Country' accent that be having everyone rolling, but today I wasn't really in the mood to laugh along with the rest of classmates.

There were the hollering of “OH’s” and random comments from everyone in the classroom. Like come on stop worry about what’s going down

"Quiet down now, Ms. Jack can you go on out this classroom before they start a riot" Mrs. Robinson demanded.

I walked out the classroom and walked through the silent halls, I passed the corner by the boy’s bathroom and a bunch of boys came out. First thing they saw was me. It’s like wherever I go there’s a routine where boys trying to put on their little lame ass sauce game and I have to walk as fast as I can from them, some never quit so I end up roughing these punk ass Niggas.  

'Great why you had to go this way' I thought to myself now aware that these stupid boys was going to bother me.

"Damn mama that ass" a boy with some retarded ass Mohawk called out. “Shit can I stroke that little mama?”  I rolled my eyes and walked away but stopped until I felt a sudden burn on my right butt cheek.  ‘Did this bitch just slap my ass?’ I questioned myself. Shit was funna go down.

I turned around and smiled innocently and gave that boy a powerful punch in his abdomen. I had that bitch gasping for air. “Think twice before touching a lady” I said picking up my bag from the ground.

Behind my back I heard the laughing and comment’s like, “Damn nigga you funna let that girl touch you that way?”

I took my time walking to the office, I really wasn’t in the mood to be told I was getting ‘Suspended’ or either ‘Expelled’. This was practically my first fight in school, in school my records are clean and my grades are amazing, but outside of school is where the attitude will come out.

I made it inside and walked straight to the principal office. I looked at the scene and I see my principal frustrated, I turned to my right and literally almost laughed.

 Like all I did was backhand that hoe and she hear with a fucked up eye. ‘I wonder if she can see through that eye now” I thought to myself. I sat down and gave one of my most angelic innocent looks, and it always works.


After the meeting my principal left me off with a five day suspension while that ratchet ass girl out for 3 weeks because she ‘disturbed’ the learning environment with her ‘obnoxious’ behavior. It was still fucked up how I’m still getting suspended.

I went off when she said she’d suspend me for 3 weeks.

My words were exactly this:

“How you going to suspend me for using self-defense” I questioned my principal aggravated that this was even being said.

“Self-defense is not needed” my principal informed me only making me madder. “You should have called an authority to handle this situation” she continued on saying.

“How am I going to run off and call authority when this ‘Fugly’ Hood rat pulled onto my hair” I shouted back.  “You telling me that, I’m supposed to let my behind get whooped then call authority”

“I am not saying it like that Ms. Jack” she said trying to defend what in the hell she said.

“No that’s exactly what you are saying” I said standing up rapidly from where I was sitting. “Okay next time somebody dun bust a cap on my ass and I’m about to die, Ima leave a note letting them know I was told not to use self-defense”

Like pardon my ghettos... but bitch, please. With these words said I literally won that battle. She also called my nasty ass mother, after half an hour of hearing the principal arguing with my mom to arrive to the conference she finally agreed, this wasn’t good though.

I decided to leave the school early because who the fuck would be in the mood to learn when you just found out you getting suspended and your hood rat mother found out and funna be snapping soon, fuck not me!

I walked over to the metro bus stop and waited until the next bus arrives. I decided to head to the library, at this point I rather go anywhere but home.  I ain’t had a phone, nothing to vibe to music with or play games, so I just sat my ass down for I don’t even remember how long just waiting for this damn bus.

 A 2012 Dodge Charger SRT8 stopped in front of me. I ain’t known who it was; all I can see is the shadow movement of their heads. And yes I know my ways around a car so I can tell what it is, unlike these hoes they be looking so stupid talking about ‘I like that car with the horse in front ‘ , I be like ‘ Bitch that’s a Ferrari get shit right’.

 After wondering who it was the window finally strolled down. It was Jerome. Jerome is famous around the hood. He’d sell practically every drug I know of in the streets, for all I know he probably sell drugs I never heard of. I wouldn’t expect him to be riding in the streets in the afternoon, the only time you see him is at night either in house parties, clubs, or a trap house.

“Aye lil mama ain’t yo fine ass supposed to be in school” He hollered out from his window. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. This is what everyone calls a ‘dangerous move’ when It comes to talking to Jerome.

“So you gon ignore a nigga”. Gosh these boys don’t know when to leave me alone like come on. I stuck out my middle finger tilted my head and smiled.

“One day that finger gon get cut or shot off, so best watch you’re behind” he warned.

I sighed and finally spoke. “Why you trying to bother me for” I said crossing my hands over my chest.

“I just want to talk to you” He said licking his luscious lips. I had to hurry and wipe my mouth in case I was drooling.

“Why?” I said finally speaking.

“Well because you cute and the way you acting make you seem independent” he told me. “You can’t find those anymore” He said shaking his head.

“Yeah you can’t” I said agreeing with him.

“Hop in and I’ll take you where you need to go mama” he said unlocking the door. I thought for a second looked around and realize this bus probably wasn’t going to come for a long time now. I finally agreed to hop in Jerome ride.

“Nice choice” he said watching me while I entered and drove away.

“I want to go to the library” I told him.

“The library! The fuck you left the school for?” he said looking over at me confused. “Nope shorty you going where I’m going now, you need to have fun” He said turning away from the library.

 “Where are you taking me?” I said frightened that he’d probably have a mind to kill me.

 “Don’t worry yo fine ass” he said still looking towards the road. “We just head to a special place. I gulped at the thought of what he meant by ‘Special’

“What did I get myself into” I thought to myself.


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