Loving a Thug Chapt.5

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When I first saw her at the bus stop I thought was it wrong to say I fell in love when I saw her, mane I’m just stupid. I didn’t even get her name.

“Bring my sister here please” he nodded his head and walked over to me. I gave him the address and told him to watch out for my evil ass mom, I’m just hoping he gets her successfully.


 I have been waiting to damn long for Jerome to bring his ass over here with my sister. I sent that bitch out to get her ‘2’ damn hours ago. I knew I should’ve gone, what the hell am I saying I got shot I can’t get out of here. I looked like a damn crazed woman, my hair was fucked up, and I looked like a crack head, shit I look like my mom.

What if the old girl opened the door, there isn’t no way she gonna let him take her, she probably funna chase him with a damn frying pan in her hand, rollers in her hair, and raggedy ass slippers on her crusty toes. Then again it’s not like she is home and if she is she probably drunk, getting high, or fucking one of her clients.

I took a deep breathe, all this thinking making my headache worsen stressing me out. I lay down to rest my head than hear the door open behind me. I turned my head to look and see my sister Fucked up and so was Jerome, they weren’t injured but damn. Jerome had a busted lip and cut under his chin while Trina hair was all jacked up and her lip was busted.

 I gasped at the scene and literally jumped off my bed running to my sister and sitting her down on my lap. She cried and I cried. “What the hell happened to yall two?” I asked wiping away my sister tears.

“I knock on the door and your sister here opens it, than some bitch come here trying to flirt I deny her and she snapping in my face” he says balling up his fist in anger. “I told your sister to come with me bitch punch me and hit me across my face with something, I don’t know what that shit was I think she shank my ass. She ask your sister if she wanted to go with me, she nods her head and the bitch attacks her”

 “I’m so so so damn sorry “I said holding onto my sister tighter while looking at Jerome. “It’s not a problem lil mama but I can’t let you go back there” he says putting a hand on top of my shoulder.

 “I have to where the hell I’m funna go” I looked at him confused. “You coming with me and don’t argue because you know you don’t want your sister staying over there suffering”. He was right; I sure as hell didn’t want to stay there and have my sister suffer.

“Okay” were all I had to say before we were covered in silence.


I couldn’t stand hospitals; food had no flavor, people either almost dying or died in the beds next door, and you have to pay for cable. What’s even worse is that this hospital was on hood rat territory, so these nurses were ghetto and rude themselves.   Like I call the nurse and this bitch ask me the what the hell I want,  Like bitch don’t work here if you can’t handle the sick patients that’s calling your raggedy ass. You work here for a damn reason, to fucking help me when I’m in need ….rude ass bitch.

Today was the day I leave, Jerome was coming over to pick up me and my sister from the hospital so we can get to the house and gets the important things we need.  “Alright girls lets go” Jerome said opening the elevator door for us.

We finally get to the house and I tell Jerome to stay in the car, Jerome didn’t like the idea but it’s already bad enough the bitch don’t like him. I and my sister go upstairs to our apartment room; I go in first and see my mom drinking beer with a damn square in her hand on the couch. She was looking ratchet as ever in her robe. I ignore the look she gave me and drag my sister into our room, we start packing little stuff because it wasn’t like we had a lot of things to bring us. We were finally done and ready to leave but than my mom block the front entrance.

“Where in the hell do you think yall going” she said puffing the smoke in my face. “Move out my way “I said trying to turn the door knob. All of a sudden I’m pushed on the floor than get kick in the face. ‘So this how she want to act, oh okay’ at this point I had no mother. I stood up and rapidly punched her; I heard the crack of the process of breaking her nose. This bitch was literally eating my punches.

I Stopped punching her and left her out cold on the wooden floor. “I’m not little no more bitch” I pulled my sister hand and ran downstairs. We hop in the car and drove away.

“The fuck happened to yo face Keisha” Jerome said pointing out the now black eye on my face. “I’ll tell you later but can we just go, like I’m not even in the mode anymore” I said leaning back and taking deep breaths to cool myself down.

 “Alright calm down” he said looking straight at the road. He smiled at me and told me to look under my chair. I’m looking for what he meant and pulled out a bag with a phone inside. I opened the box and I see a galaxy note 2. I squealed in joy, like to be honest this is like my first damn phone shit isn’t that a shame.

 “For me thank you Jerome” I smiled over at him than kissing him on the cheek.

“Well if you going to be living with me, I need to have you in contact”

“No problem” I said turning on ‘MY’ new phone. We sat silently throughout the whole ride. I just had a feeling that this is going to be great….or am I just wrong?


YOYOYOYOYO! I hope you enjoy chapter 5, I decided to post again later on today so stay on watch for the next update. but just remember (´⊙ω⊙')!VOTE!(´⊙ω⊙')!FAN!(´⊙ω⊙')!COMMENT!

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