Loving a Thug Chapt.14

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Chapter 14


I spent the day tripping on my face, having to punch niggas in the lower abdomen, and dragging hoes by they weave, because of a stupid little rumor of how people think I supposedly am selling my body to Jerome. The hell I look like? My mother, shoot.

Only one thing has been going thru my mind... And that was ‘Jerome’.

“I mean my feelings for you are kind of fading”

“Miss Jacks you’re pregnant” The doctor said after coming in with the results due to my upsetting stomach and other problems.

I wasn’t much surprised. I felt like I knew but just didn’t care. I haven’t seen Jerome face after that small unfinished talk. There hasn’t been a Text or call.

I’ve been taking therapy classes due to my depression, I didn’t want to go but it’s the doctor’s order. After the doctor told me the news, he gave me pamphlets on getting started for my first pregnancy.

“You’re going to have a time-to-time appointments with an obstetrician to make sure the baby or babies are going to be alright before birth” he informed me. “You are going to keep the baby, right?”

“Of course” I said smiling over to the doctor.

“Wonderful, well you may leave for now but I will leave you a call for your appointment with the obstetrician”

“Okay, thank you”

I went over to Mama Clark to pick up little Trina. Even though I haven’t heard or spoken to Jerome after that disappointing night, she has been helping me through my problems.

“So honey what the doctor said about your little sickness”

“He said a whole bunch of junk about me being pregnant, any news from Jerome?” I said quickly changing the subject.

I always ask for Jerome, I realize I was in love with him but just confused because of the problems and consequences of being in love with a thug. You know. Like have you ever fell in love with someone who’s out of your league or both just a boss and females get jealous because he noticed you? And you get bullied and people put crap and nonsense into your head and your just confuse of the feelings you have for him, because if you do than we both having problems.

“Whoa girl you pregnant? “Chanel said popping her head out from the kitchen. “Who be the daddy?”

“Girl if you don’t shut yo trap, its Jerome baby...Right? “Jerome mama asked just to be sure.

I laughed at her expression. “Of course it’s Jerome” I said rubbing at my stomach. I don’t even think I was ready for raising a nappy headed child when I can’t even take care of my stupid behind, like the hell mane I am already taking care of Trina.

What’s even worse is I had to give up modeling for black beauty magazine institute, I don’t think they need a big ass whale being on their magazine. Maybe I can talk to Jerome aunt into helping me be just one of her assistants.

“Well that’s great to know” Mrs. Clark said .I didn’t really paid attention to the rest of what she was saying. “Girl is you even listening to me” Mrs. Clark said throwing a shirt over at me.

“I’m sorry it’s just...I want Jerome home, I didn’t want this to happen” I admitted. “I understand honey but what’s done is done there’s absolutely no way of going back but for you love, faith, and hope is all you need, you just have to be patient” Mama Clark explained patiently to me.

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