Loving a Thug Chapt.8

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Chapter 8


"Damn am I hearing shit straight" I said clutching my stomach. I shook my head and waited on my bed so whoever this niggah fucking can go and I can go make a meal.

Today I was in the mood for sex and so was Jerome. I was driving to his crib which is big ass fuck. I only liked Jerome for his sex moves ,his money ,the drugs (that I get for free),and also the popularity, other than that I don't give a fuck about his feelings or his feelings for me.

Keisha is ruining my plans on getting Jerome's money, all I know is she living with him so she probably tryna get at his money , well that gotta end because only one bitch can get that money and there ain't no sharing in this mother fucking world

 “The fuck you brought me to this store for Jerome?” I asked once I looked at the price for some true religion jeans. Like okay they from a brand and everyone wears them, that don’t mean I have to wear them either I am not trying to go bankrupt now.

“What are wrong with trues” Jerome asked me confused. “What’s wrong with you, niggah $300 for one pair of jeans, like really?” I told him throwing the jeans back in the rack.

“Boy I can go to my favorite store and buy about 5 or 6 pair of jeans only costing me 100 and something in total, and buy some cute shirts, the fuck I look like spending $300 on one pair of jeans everybody mama be getting” I explained rolling my eyes over at Jerome.

“Alright where you want to shop at boo?” He whispered in my ears. I backed up so there was space between us because he too fine to be messing around like this, he does not know me like that because I am really close onto jumping on him right now.

“Forever 21, Cotton on, and the Ralph Lauren store would be fine” I said smiling at Jerome.

 “Okay anything for you boo” he said throwing his arm over my shoulder. “I’m not your boo” I said taking my sister hand and walking out the true store.

“That’s how it’s gonna be” He laughed.

“Yup, sorry ‘Boo’” I mimicked.

We have only been shopping for 2 hours now. Jerome had to keep going back in forth with the bags to the car, I offered help but he refused. And every time I tell him that’s enough clothes, it’s always ‘Nope you better get some more shit”

We finally finished though and it was kind of fun, we ate ice cream laughed and almost started a food fight. We head home and I was exhausted.

I carried my now sleepy sister to bed, and went back downstairs and flopped myself next to Jerome on the couch. Jerome ain’t paying a mind to my presence so I dropped my legs on his lap. He looked over at me and smiled and began tickling my feet.

“Oh my gods Jerome stop, I can’t breathe” I said clutching my stomach while laughing hard.

“Give me a kiss first” he said laughing and still tickling my feet. I had no choice but to say yes. I fixed myself on the couch and mumbled a couple of curse words loud enough for him to hear me.

“You can curse all you want, I still want that kiss boo” he said holding me still. It’s like he read my mind because in a second I was just going to run the hell away from him.

“Fine you immature asshole” I leaned close to Jerome and pecked a gentle kiss on his lips. Sparks ran from my head to anus. I got heated so quickly. I try pulling back but he yanked me to him and covered my mouth with his in a hungry kiss. Surprisingly I responded immediately, For real though I scared the shit out of myself when I realized what I was doing, but it was just so good. His mouth was so warm, the caress of his lips softer than I could have imagined, I would think since he is a thug that he would be so rough but he was different. He tasted tentatively with his tongue, and I opened my mouth with a low moan.

Next thing I know me and Jerome is getting naked in bed. ‘Wait’ naked in bed, hold up. Everything I was about to do registered in my mind and I quickly pushed back off Jerome and covered my body with his blanket.

“What’s wrong” He innocently said in confusion.

 “I’m not skinny to be getting naked for a man, and I’m not going to get in bed with a niggah I really don’t know Jerome, Get your hoe Carina to fuck you” I said walking out the room.  

I hear Jerome walking behind me. “Trust me I only saw yo body for 5 seconds now and it was amazing, and I’m sorry to have you close from fucking....How about we get to know each other first” he said grabbing my hand in his.

“And what me and carina have is nothing” he told me honestly. I like Jerome; he wasn’t bad he is actually really nice. But I don’t want to be the type of girls trying to change a bad boy and end up getting fucked over.

“Fine but don’t screw up” I said shutting the door in his face.

I hear his footsteps walk away from the door, and I drop to the floor crying. I was this close from losing it to a player only because we started kissing. I need to control myself or something bad will happen.

I lie on my bed and get a text from Jerome; I guess he knew it was best I didn’t want to see his face right now.

“I and you, tonight at 8 look good boo ;)” I read the text.

I blushed at the text, I probably looked like a dumb ass blushing but I just want to see how sweet the player is.

I head to my bedroom’s bathroom and get ready. This date was going to be interesting, don’t you think? ;)


Hoped you like chapter 8 of loving a thug, and oh snap she almost lost her cherry. I can’t wait for the date. Please don’t hesitate to @VOTE@ FAN@ COMMENT! Thanks guys. And love all of yall who did so because of you I have about 3,000 reads and 40 votes, that means a lot Thanks guys LOVE YOU ‘Loving a Thug’ FANS!

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