Loving a Thug Chapt.3

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Chapter 3


“I want to go to the library” I told him.

 “The library! The fuck you left the school for?” he said looking over at me confused. “Nope shorty you going where I’m going now, you need to have fun” He said turning away from the library.

 “Where are you taking me?” I said frightened that he’d probably have a mind to kill me.

 “Don’t worry yo fine ass” he said still looking towards the road. “We just head to a special place. I gulped at the thought of what he meant by ‘Special’

 “What did I get myself into” I thought to myself.

☆*:.。. O (▽≦) o.。.:*☆ ☆*:.。. O (≧▽≦) o.。.:*☆

I and Jerome stayed quiet throughout the whole ride to who know where!

We arrived to the ‘Special’ place Jerome had said. I don’t know why it’s so special it’s just an apartment building with thugs smoking fucking squares in the front with big ass jackets standing in the hot sun thinking them raw, Ugh!

Jerome pulled me by my waist into him. “Stay by me or you funna get took” he whispered in my ear. ‘Shit you don’t have to tell me twice’ I muttered. Jerome chuckled at what I said. I shivered at how close we were and his breathing on the back of my neck made me want to just ‘Wait what the hell I am thinking’ I thought. ‘He isn’t no good, he a thug’

We walked next to the thugs in front of the building; they all eyed me down like I was a fresh tasty piece of meat, stank ass Bums.

I didn’t say much because I had a feeling if I aggravated him, his ass would’ve left me here and let them take me. So I just clinched onto his arms.

We got to a door that said 5b, Jerome start knocking on it like he the damn police. “Who the Fu—, oh Jerome what’s good? “ A woman that looks like she was in her twenties said opening the door. I thought ‘This bitch look like she can be in college with a good job’ but no once she let us in there was the stench of weed and smoke in the air. ‘That’s how she choose to live her life’

She guided us to an room filled with hood rat hoes and thugs all either smoking, making out , giving head, or fucking. What the fuck am I looking at? Jerome sat on a chair and pulled me into his lap. I couldn’t argue with him because like I said he can leave me here and they’ll attack the fuck out of me.

 I just realized what I had been dragged into; people got different names for it but I rather call it the ‘pot circle’. Jerome was handed a bud than when he had his part he passed it to me. I am not funna seem lame ass fuck so I took a hit and passed it to my left to the next guy and it kept going on.

You make a stupid smoke ring and Jerome looks at you with a surprised expression on his face. “Damn I’m surprised you isn’t coughing and chocking like a damn newbie” he said laughing, the other’s joined. I blushed and hid my face on his chest. I took in the smell of Jerome and he smelt like Calvin Klein cologne, damn he knows how to keep himself fresh.  Before I turned 14 and was mature, I had an evil past. I use to get high, drunk, and party like life didn’t matter but never had sex, time to time I gave hand jobs but no blow jobs. I thank the lord for helping me become mature because the hoes I use to hang with most of them either died, or got pregnant.

He cupped my face and kisses me, KISSED ME!

You probably thinking ‘are you sure’ Well damn I may be high but not stupid enough to not know he kissing me. Surprisingly I pushed him back and stared at him wide eyes. Jerome gave me a glare and pushed me off of him, “I think it’s time for you to go” he said his tone menacing. I rolled my eyes and stood up. I wasn’t funna let this fuck nigga kiss me like we got something, shit I barely knew the bitch.

I walked out like a boss, once I got downstairs I damn well regretted coming down those stairs. The smell of them crappy as cigarette hit me like ‘Fuck man’. I started coughing uncontrollably, like a damn mad woman. I hate the smell of cigarettes like Shit. It was a bad idea to make them loud noises cause now them fuck niggas started looking at me so damn creepy.

I walked straight and ran once I opened the gates. Shit I was footing it out there. I ran for about 5 blocks, isn’t that some amazing shit. It was only 11 a.m so I decided to try my best to look for something to eat and head to the library.

After finding a nearby burger king, I looked for my left over money in my wallet. I looked in that shit look like fucking moths were flying out. “Somebody robbed my ass” I shouted in unbelief. “I spent half an hour searching for a damn burger king and I end up with no money” I kept on complaining while walking to a familiar direction to the library.

‘Must have been mama searching for money to buy drugs’ I thought angrily to myself. Thinking I was safe walking close to the library shit went bad when gunshots fired. At first I thought I didn’t get hit until I started to haunch over a little bit and feel very confused. Than After about 2 minutes I felt like I got stabbed or either swallowing a molten hot bowling ball. I was shot at. I fell hard onto the ground and heard people screaming from the distance.

I couldn’t die; I needed to be alive… I am all my sister has besides her crack headed shone mama. If I was to die than my sister would have to suffer and I prayed to god that I wouldn’t die. My last words aloud was amen and then the world was gone from the scene.


Oh sh.t 'She got shot in the ghetto'. I hear that everyday. Like I promised ya'll I Updated so I'm hoping you enjoy Chapt.3 . I know I ended the story right when the bad part ends, ay don't worry I gotcha. But enjoy this chapter so far I'm glad to see everybody like my book. I'll update chapter 4 soon so don't worry

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