Loving a Thug Chapt.4

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Chapter 4


Thinking I was safe walking close to the library shit went bad when gunshots fired.

I was shot at. I fell hard onto the ground and heard people screaming from the distance.

I couldn’t die; I needed to be alive… I am all my sister has besides her crack headed shone mama. If I was to die than my sister would have to suffer and I prayed to god that I wouldn’t die. My last word aloud was amen and then the world was gone from the scene.


Jerome’s P.O.V

I was just driving down the hood looking for this girl, I aint funna lie I guess it was wrong for me to kiss her and shit and to just let her leave in this neighborhood, but damn she make it seem like I’m going to get her butt ass naked on my bed. I ride around the block and finally notice her, I’m about to pull up then gunshots are fired to my direction. I thought I was dead until I ain’t feel nothing I put my head back up and I see some familiar ass nigga running, Turn my head back to the girl and she here crouching , bleeding, and falling down. Lil mama got shot. When I first saw her at the bus stop I thought was it wrong to say I fell in love when I saw her, mane I’m just stupid. I didn’t even get her name.

Now I’m here in the hospital waiting for the doctors. I can’t stand hospitals though. Everyone I knew in my childhood died here, like my dad. My dad was the best, he always knew how to treat his family and wife right but then one day he left work and was found dead in front of the house porch, my mom held him while in tears while trying her best to stop the bleeding from a gunshot wound. He ain’t made it and I miss him.

I took a deep breathe because all this bad memory stressing me out even more. I finally see the doctor and he comes over me. “Mr. Clark” He called. I stood up and walked over to him, I’m just hoping that shorty be fine. “I’m here”

“Is she alright doc” I asked eager as fuck to know how she doing.

“The bullet hit the girl's lung, but missed her ribs and spinal cord. She's now in stable condition” he informed me.

“Is it okay to check on her” I asked hoping she was acceptable to have visitors. “Yes, but she’s in rest now” he said before pointing me to her number.

I walked into the room and quietly closed the door behind me than I saw her; she looked frail while having an I.V attached into her right arm. I walked over to her bed and kissed her forehead and slept on the chair to the left of her bed waiting for her to awake.


My head was hurting, my throat was dry, and I was in pain. I thought I was at home but heard an annoying ass beep in the background, it kept going on and on, shit I was funna snap at my sister to put the volume down on her game. I open my eyes and I see a fucking heart monitor.

I stood up quickly and looked at my surrounding, which I shouldn’t have done to fucking fast because now my head hurt even more as it already was. I winced in pain and muttered ‘Damn’.

“Are you okay” I heard someone say; I turn my head fast and saw Jerome lying under blankets looking over at me with concern.

I stared at Jerome and everything that had made me end up here came back. I was shot at. I burst into tears at the thought of me getting shot, shit I felt worse for letting my sister probably stay home alone with my mom.

“No not really, I’m thirsty and in pain” she said trying her best to sit up. “Lil ma stop stressing and lay down, I’m just funna call the nurse to bring you some water and pills to ease the pain” he said before walking outside calling a nurse nearby.

Nurse came in poured me some water and gave me a pill; I took it and a couple of minutes the pain was easing away. “Thanks” I said looking over at Jerome.

“It’s nothing” he smiled shyly. “Can you do me a favor?” I was nervous to ask him this question but I had to make sure she’s safe.

“Sure what is it?”

“Bring my sister here please” he nodded his head and walked over to me. I gave him the address and told him to watch out for my evil ass mom, I’m just hoping he gets her successfully. 


Hey I know this short but 'Homework' is important, I don't wanna become like the hoodrats in these stories lol. I'll Update when I can probably saturday but I promise I'll Update hope you enjoy this chapter, Vote ≫(‘♀’)≪ Fan≫(‘♀’)≪Comment! THANKS! 

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