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Another long ass boring chapter I swear short chapters are coming 😭

Jinsoul looked around the girl's house and it was honestly very comfortable and warm. Family frames hanging on the wall, awards and trophies proudly displayed in a glassed cabinet making her smile, she stopped in front of a family photo and examined it, Jungeun has a sister but she does looked familiar somehow. "I made some soup if you're hungry." She turned around and saw Jungeun struggling to hold onto the tray, "You should've called me, your body is still aching. Here let me help you." She took over the tray and placed it down on the table.

Both sat on the chair and ate quietly.

Jinsoul looked at her, "Where's your boyfriend?" Jungeun paused and placed down her chopsticks, "He's..he's working right now. We're a little bit complicated right now. It's hard to balance work, school and relationships. He's currently in his 1st year in college and school works has been stressing him out and keeping his family business. He sometimes have another job that requires travelling and so on but I have no idea what kind of job it is, he never told me anything about it." She replied before she continue to eat,

Jinsoul nodded and did the same. The door opened as both turned their heads towards the door making Jinsoul surprise, "Minju?"


"So this is the girl huh?" Jinsoul looked at the girl in amusement as the other girl looked down shyly. "The girl has a name unnie, Chaewon. Kim Chaewon."

"Yea yea. Anyways how come you never bring her to our house." Minju rolled her eyes, "Yea let you guys interview her and make her feel uncomfortable. You know how dad can be. He's probably going to make her his daughter instead of his daughter-in-law." Upon hearing this Chaewon blushed madly making Jinsoul scoff, "Who says I want her to be part of our family?" Jungeun paused from eating and glared at Jinsoul, Minju was speechless and Chaewon frown but remained silent.

"I'm kidding." Jinsoul rolled her eyes and sigh, "You know sister Sica will be slightly against it right?"

"I know I know. School first before dating. Same shit everyday." Minju waved her hands around making Chaewon giggle,

"So. Chaewon. What are you planning on taking in college?"

"Unnie! We're still in elementary!"

"Graduating elementary! Supposedly in high school by the way if you just passed your finals And plus high school is when you start to take things that would lead to your specific classes and degree for college." She retorted back making Minju sigh in frustration. "What if I want to be an actress??"

"Then go ahead! Soojung unnie is an actress, it's not like dad would want you to be a doctor or something." She shrugged her shoulders making the younger girl roll her eyes again, "Anyways dad wants another family meeting tonight."

"What for?"

"Uh the company? Sica unnie is going to be handling our fashion company and no one is going to handle our main company." Jinsoul placed down her chopsticks and crossed her arms, "What's the point of having a meeting when we all know I'm the one who'll end up handling it? Soojung or should I say Krystal unnie is too busy being an actress and she's already handling one of our entertainment main branch, Hyunjin is way too far to be wanting to handle a company and you, I don't know? You said you wanted to be an actress. And Tzuyu is already handling our company in Taiwan And all that's left is me so what's the point of the meeting?" Minju chuckled, "Looks like you have no choice."

"When was there a choice. I'm basically the bread and butter of the family." Jinsoul replied proudly with a smug look on her face earning a groan form Minju, "You and your ego."

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