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"Jung Jinsoul. Surprise to see you calling us. What's the matter?"

"Where is she?!" Jinsoul gritted her teeth in anger, the man on the other line laugh loudly, "I'm sorry Ms. Jung but I don't know what you're talking about~"

"Don't make me a fool Lee Seobin. Where the fuck is Kim Jungeun?!" Her voice gradually got louder as the other line went silent.

"Bring Kang Woonjin. Then we'll talk."

Then the line cut off. Jinsoul hit the steering wheel in anger. How is she so fucking stupid and slow?! She was too late when she got to Jungeun's house, she found Chaewon in the living room unconscious but no Jungeun anywhere in the house. Minju is now at the Kim's house taking care of Chaewon and watching over the house for any danger.

She needs to find him.

She opened the door aggressively and quickly made her way to the meeting room to find Hyeju, Woonjin, Sooyoung, Hyunjin, Kahei and the same small girl as before,

"Yeojin found their location duri—"

Jinsoul quickly rushed towards Woo and pinned him against the wall surprising the others, "You fucking shit!" She yelled tightening her grip on his shirt making him twitch in pain, damn the girl is very strong,

"Jinsoul calm down." Kahei stood beside her as she placed her hand on her shoulder, "Where the fuck were you!?" She ask and lift him up a little higher, he was scared to be honest, he knows and heard Jinsoul was very strong but didn't expect for her to be THIS strong. "I—"

"We don't have much time, we need to move or else they will probably do something worst to her." Sooyoung interrupted and forcefully pulled Jinsoul away from Woo who sigh in relief,

"Don't get your emotions get in the way, if you don't want her to get hurt." She slapped Jinsoul harshly and glared at her,

Woo was surprised seeing this and most importantly the others didn't react at all, is this how they do things here? He hasn't really interacted with them all together and this is the first time meeting Jinsoul and Sooyoung up close, he was always with Hyeju and Hyunjin,

"Guys they're taking her to the basement." Yeojin interrupted this time rotating her laptop towards them, "We need to go." Kahei said before picking up her custom made handgun before tucking it in on her pants as everyone did the same thing, Sooyoung let go of Jinsoul before following,

Jinsoul fixed her shirt and glared at Woo who was trying to avoid her eyes

"Hyeju and Hyunjin take out the guards at the back, Jinsoul and Woo enter through the sewer, me and Sooyoung will take out the guards at the front, Yeojin make sure to keep an eye out for possible threats near us and guide Woo and Jinsoul towards the room where they keep Jungeun hostage and make sure to watch on her and update us if they ever have the change of plans." Kahei commanded as everyone nodded despite the dislike of Jinsoul about the plan, Kahei is the boss.

Once they got into their position Kahei ordered them to follow the plans that they set before coming to the warehouse,

Jinsoul and Woo successfully entered the sewer. She scrunch up her nose after smelling the worst smell she could possibly smell in her entire life, it was also dark and the only light she has was her phone, behind her was Woo who was staring at Jinsoul's back in distress,

He needs to make sure Jungeun is safe and untouched. Whoever hurts her will be killed.

"This is your fault." Jinsoul spoke in a low voice with so much hate, the boy didn't say anything as it would probably cause him something bad if he ever answers back.

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