Chapter VI - Drinks At Midnight

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Kaeya grabbed Albedo's hand, dragging him into Angel's Share.

As they walked, well Kaeya ran in, Diluc greeted them with a death stare. Probably for 'disturbing the peace in the tavern' again, but Kaeya was used to it.

Albedo gave Diluc an apologetic glance, hoping he saw it. While he followed Kaeya to his group of friends, he wondered if those few were there every day, well, their reputations seemed to answer his question.

"Oh? You brought Albedo this time?" It seemed more like a statement, but with Rosaria most things are rhetorical questions.

Rosaria seemed to give Kaeya a friendly stare, but it almost seemed like she was staring daggers into Albedo, trying to find out every secret through his eyes. It gave him chills, but he ignored it. Venti gave Albedo a friendly look, completely ignoring Kaeya, also ignoring the fact that Kaeya had yet to let go of Albedo's hand.

Albedo was dragged to one of the stools that were right in front of Diluc. He wondered why Kaeya would want to sit in front of him. Diluc hated him, didn't he?

Kaeya just seemed to fit into the conversation that the others were having, it was like he was already there.

Albedo just stared off into space. Diluc started serving them without being asked, while he gave Kaeya a drink he started to speak with Albedo.

"Hey, Albedo. Do you want a drink? After spending a day with Kaeya you'd probably need one." Diluc attempted to be friendly towards him, he had nothing against Albedo.

"Mm, I think I'll just take fruit juice. Do you have sunsettia juice?" Albedo barely finished speaking before Kaeya tugged on his hand.

"Why fruit juice? Is it that big of a deal to have some alcohol once in a while?"

Diluc watched Albedo just think for a while.

"So?" Diluc expected him to ask for more time, or what they had, but he got an answer straight away, though it wasn't the one he expected, or the one he wanted.

"I'll have what Kaeya's having."

Diluc sighed and started preparing.

"Your Death After Noon will be finished soon."

Albedo looked over at Kaeya, who had already started chatting with his friends again. He tapped him on the shoulder, waiting for Kaeya to finish speaking.

"Hey, what exactly is in the drink?"

Kaeya seemed a little concerned that Albedo would order something when he didn't know what was in it, but he still answered the question.

"Oh, it's Absinthe and sparkling white wine, did you just order that without knowing what was in it?"

Albedo looked down a little, he felt slightly embarrassed, but why?

"I just assumed that it'd be okay since you were drinking it, I realise my mistake, it won't happen again."

Albedo spoke like a senior was lecturing him about a mistake he made, though the situation was far from it.

"Ah, everything's fine, do you have any allergies? It is quite a strong drink though, are you okay with that?"

Kaeya responded, though he spoke like he was comforting a child, he even put on the voice for it.

"Not that I know of, but it should be fine."

Albedo knew that he shouldn't have any allergies, his master wouldn't make him to be so weak. But he hadn't discovered everything about himself yet, so it'd be dangerous to not approach such things with caution, but wasn't that what he was just doing?

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