Chapter XVII - Senseless

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Kaeya rolled over in annoyance at the bright light hitting his face. Wait, if he just woke up, would that mean that everything was just a dream and the Albedo situation didn't exist?

He sat up, leaving all of his sluggish behaviour behind, only to be met with a pounding in his head.

He jerked his head to the side while trying to figure out where he was, and that resulted in a sharp pain in the side of his head. Why did it hurt so much?

He swung his feet off the bed and attempted to stand up, receiving another sharp pang in his head.

He quickly retreated and fell back down, slowly lowering his head into his palms. He tried to recall everything that happened to him, he failed to see the difference between dream and reality which made it quite difficult.

He then opted for a different route. He tried to remember as much as he could from the dream in hopes to uncover something important, but he couldn't think past him standing outside Albedo's lab. The headache didn't offer any help, quite the contrary actually.

Why was there this pounding in his head anyway? It made it quite hard to think, or do much in general. He couldn't even help it.

He was in a bare room, he recognised it to be one from the cathedral. If he was there would it mean that he got hurt? He didn't really remember anything about a big group of hilichurls or treasure hoarders, and he at least thought that he'd remember something like that.

Was he ambushed there? It would explain him not remembering anything past it, because he wouldn't have done anything past it. It would also explain why his head hurt so much.

He stood up slowly this time, taking care to not make any harsh movements. He quickly steadied himself with his hand on the wall once he felt himself wobble a little, but thanks to that he stayed standing with minimal pain.

Focusing on his surroundings, he fumbled his way to the door, still using the wall as a support. While he approached it, he found himself unconsciously listening in on a conversation.

There was a soft voice, and another even softer voice, but he couldn't really figure out who the voices belonged to. He strained his ears and made out the voices of what seemed to be Barbara, and Albedo?

Right, if Kaeya was here then either Albedo or Lisa would know, and they'd probably both know.

Kaeya reached for the door handle, resting his hand on it but not wanting to leave the pristine white room. He let his hand slip off the doorknob as he tried to get through the anxiety of opening the door. Sure it was just a door, and he probably knew what was on the other side, but he always paid extra attention to opening doors for some reason. It became a habit that he just couldn't shake in no time too.

Another sharp pang hit him in the head, and he opened his eyes to reveal that his position had changed, along with another two people on the scene.

Instead of standing by the door like he remembered, he was on the floor next to where the door would open outwards, but in the corner of the room. There was one standing by the open door, still holding the door knob and there was another that was on the ground with him. Did they also get hit by the door?

He blinked a couple times before he felt his sense return to him. It was funny having such a small aspect of himself disappear, it somehow changed his whole personality with the loss.

He reached his hand up to check his head for marks, had he really been hit in the face with a door? If so, who was the person who hit him? Were they the two people in his room now? It would be unlikely for them to not be, so he focused his gaze on the closest.

The closest seemed to be checking Kaeya's arm for injury. They had ashy blonde hair, dreamy eyes and... Albedo? Did he just describe Albedo like that? He could feel himself heating up at the thought, but a cool hand landed on his forehead, gliding down to his cheeks, bringing him some form of relief and comfort.

He and the other seemed to be talking, maybe informing each other on Kaeya's wellbeing. Well, if Albedo was here then the other person should probably be Barbara, the one who he was talking to before, unless he got the voices incorrect.

He focused on that other person. Blonde, blue eyes, not that tall, definitely Barbara. She always seemed to be wearing the cathedral outfit too, and here she was, once again wearing the outfit.

Albedo soon stood up with a soft grunt, leaning on his knee for support. And right before he could process that, a hand was shoved in his face. He shuffled back a little, or as much as he could, then took it and stood up with ease.

"Uh Kaeya? I believe we have a few things to speak about with Lisa. Are you in fit condition to walk to the library with me?"

Albedo never let go of Kaeya's hand, instead he grabbed the other one. Out of impulse Kaeya just glanced at Albedo's neck for a few seconds, making sure it had a star. During this, Albedo attempted and failed to make eye contact with him, but kept an expectant smile plastered on his face.

"I believe so." Kaeya received a gaze filled with concern at this, so he tacked on a few more words to make it sound better. "What? Are you saying you wanna test me out? Give my stamina a run for it's money hm?"

Kaeya watched in awe as Albedo's face flushed, and he let Albedo let go of one of his hands and pretty much drag them to their destination.


I was using an iphone 7, now I'm using an iphone 6 and I didn't realise how different they were, so light mode wattpad now then. Sorry about the short and pretty boring chapter, there wasn't much time but I'd say although boring, the chapter is kinda important for the next one. Oh and the reason I'm now using an older phone is that I accidentally broke it because I used it so much while on charge, or at least that's what the phone guy told me. This phone also has a battery issue, it's like I have a curse or something, even my old computer had a battery issue.

Word count - 1011

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