The Rescue

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Alice and her squad got to the area where Anna was kidnapped two hours later. They remain seated in the car and she glances at the environment. "Are you sure this is the right place?" she asks.

"Yes ma'am. In order not to arouse any suspicion, we need to walk into the bush paths that will lead us to his house."

"Tell me something, how did you know where to find Anna?"

"I was trying to protect her from facing the same fate my daughter faced."

"Your daughter? Your daughter was also a victim?!" Alice whisper-yells and Powell nodded. "Did you report to the police? Where is she now? Is she okay?"

"She's dead" Powell answered and Alice gasps in shock. "I couldn't save her" he continues and chews his inner jaw fighting back the tears. "I couldn't save my daughter's life then, but now I could save someone else's daughter. I know what it feels like to lose a child, and I don't want it for Anna's parents. I wish I had set my eyes on that bastard that took my child's life, I would have killed him."

"I'm so sorry for the loss. Wherever she is she'll be proud of you for what you are doing right now. But one question though, how did you know where to find Anna's kidnapper?"

Powell opens his mouth to answer but then a knock came on the passenger windshield where Alice was sitting. "We'll talk about it later" he replied and winds down the glass.

"What now? You two are going to sit there forever or what?" Greg asks with open arms.

"No need to sound aggressive, we were just having a brief talk that's all" Alice retorts and came down from the car.

"What must be so important than saving my daughter's life at this point?" Greg fires back and Alice glared at him and shook her head.

She felt it was a waste of time to exchange words with him right now, so she closed the door and waited for Powell to come out of the car.

Liam and Jasper got closer and stood in front of Alice and Greg while Powell walks around his car and came standing beside Alice. "So, where is Anna? Because looking around this place all I see is bushes, no building in sight" Jasper stated and Liam and Greg took to the observance of the environment.

"This is the safest place to park our cars to avoid notifying the criminal that we are around. The place he's keeping Anna is a few minutes walk from here. I'll suggest we wait for backups before hunting him down" Powell said.

"Are you for real? You expect us to wait for the police to arrive before I save my daughter from the hands of that murderer? What if she's dead by then?!" Greg objected and Powell shrugs.

"Calm down Mr. Greg, he's only making a suggestion" Liam interceded.

"I don't like the suggestion. Please lead the way already" Greg replied and there was awkward silence afterward.

"Mr. Powell, please brief us on what this place looks like so we'll know where to attack from" Alice requested and Powell nodded and began his explanation.

Every one of them took out their guns after listening to Powell. "Okay, when we get to the building, we'll go in twos. Liam, you'll go with Mr. Greg and I'll instruct you what to do, while I'll go with Mr. Powell and the green hair guy."

"Call me Jasper, beautiful" Jasper intruded and Alice glance at him briefly and nods.

"Jasper it is. C'mon guys, let's move it!" Alice orders and they turn around to begin their hunting. Powell halted and went back to his car. "Did you forget something?"

"I want to get my torchlight" Powell answered and they all halted and waited for him to get it. Although there was a moonlight bright enough for them to see, Powell still needed his torchlight just in case there is no power where they are going. "Okay, I got it!" he called out to them and rushed back to meet them.

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