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Davina, the tag read and my picture stares back at me. I look around the lobby and notice that i am the only one left. The interviews had started and about 30 people had left disappointed and let me just say that all the hope that I had felt had been long flushed away with the tears of a woman who ran out from the interview room.

My heart was beating a mile a minute and with each passing minute, my heart was slowly descending to my ass.

"Miss Davina Pembe". the lady called out and let me just say that i was for sure about to shit myself. I felt like turning around and running out of the building. In case you were wondering... i was there for an interview. A famous MMA fighter was in need of a new therapist since the last one had abruptly 'left'. it was kind of weird, and also all over social media.

'KING OF MUAY THAI ' was what many called him and i always found it bizarre and yet intriguing since his first name was also King. "This way ". The lady spoke as she walked in Infront to lead the way. We went up the Lift and into the office area of the Gym. It looked like some kind of meeting room and right at the end of the meeting table sat KING.

You could see the boredom on his face and the disinterest in his eyes, which made me feel small. "Please have a seat". The lady pointed out "Name?" He asked getting straight to the point. Chile let me tell you that i forgot my name then and there because this man was FOIIIINNN, He sat in his gym shorts and a dark grey shirt that hugged his torso perfectly. I didn't even remember my nametag or if he even recognized my name.

"Davina Pembe," I mumbled while taking my seat. "So why are you here?" He questioned.

for a job duh, I thought to myself "Do you think you'll be a good physical therapist?" He asked his expressionless face making me feel worse. My stomach twisted itself into knots and I couldn't stop my hands from shaking. "Uh... I'm not sure..." I mumbled and stared down into my lap. He nodded slowly "How old are you?"

"24". I Answered trying to sound as confident as possible but I didn't believe it.

"And your parents are..?" He inquired again.

I was expecting this question and yet still I shook when I answered "Dead". He leaned back in his chair and placed his arms behind his head. "Okay then", he began. "come back tomorrow at 3 PM. Don't be late". He stood with a stoic expression.

Without saying anything I walked out of the office\ meeting room and back into the gym.

That was a weird interview, not going to lie. He was a bizarre man, A very handsome weirdo.

" Please come back tomorrow miss, Here is my card" She handed me the card and continued" I'll email you the details later tomorrow, thank you for your time".

"Yes thank you" I shook her hand and walked back out into the gym area where men were training and others were in the ring practising fighting, King stood on the left corner sweating, with an angry expression on his face. His dark almost black eyes zoned in on his opponent. He took the muay Thai stance and waited on his opponent to approach. Once the other guy got closer, he ducked low and came back out with his fist clenched and aimed towards his opponent's stomach. I watched the fight and saw the king use his strength to flip his opponent onto his side and knock him out in a single punch. I watched him get up and dust himself off. He was handsome and tall—a tall glass of milk.

He walked over in my direction and gave me the same boring look as earlier before walking out. I watched him leave and a shiver went down my spine.

He reminded me of a predator stalking his prey. And I was sure I was going to become his next meal.


Walking into the hospital room, I sat near a chair that was placed right beside the hospital bed where my aunt lay. Her eyes were closed and IV drips were taped to her arm. I heard the door open and looked up to find another guy in a suit standing in front of me. He had a thick accent "Hi, I'm Mr. Mazzetti. I'm the doctor who will be treating your aunt". He smiled and held out his hand. I shook his hand hesitantly and he sat down in the vacant chair.

The room was silent for a couple of minutes and I could feel the tension in the air. I was sitting there staring at my hands and fiddling with my thumbs when Mr Mazzetti finally spoke "Your aunt is currently under experimental surgery to remove the tumour from her liver" he paused "It may take a few days for results to come in so we're going to make arrangements for you to stay until then." I nodded and looked back down at my lap. I was afraid to look up and meet his gaze. "You don't seem too excited for the surgery Miss Pembe." He continued."Well, not really." I replied with a shrug. He studied me for a moment before continuing with his work"Have any questions?". I shook my head no. I had none so i remained quiet, waiting for my aunt to wake up. After a while, her eyelids fluttered open and she squinted her eyes at me.

i knew all these words meant money.

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