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The loud knocks on the door startled me awake. I scrambled to my feet and all but ran to the kitchen, grabbing a metal rod I had stashed in the drawers.

" if anything happens to me, I'll be sure to take that little gremlin with me". I whispered inching toward the shabby door. The pyjama pants I wore rode up my ass perhaps from fear or because I carried a whole continent behind there but I guess we'll never know.

"Who is it?". I asked and the person on the other side knocked harder, a cold sweat dripped down my back as I reached for the handle. "Who the freak is it!??" I all but yelled. I was scared.

I heard stories of so many women getting hurt or even worse. I didn't want my body found dismembered in a dumpster somewhere. I didn't want to be raped or abused. I didn't want to become a statistic.

"Who's there". I all but stuttered. The knocking stopped everything went silent.

"For fuck sake open the door". King grumbled from the other side. I mean no hello or hey it's me. Also do not ask me how I could recognize his voice. I may or may not have had a tiny crush on him. Just a tiny one.

"Why would you knock like that,  I thought I was going to get killed". I said softly opening the locks and then the door. I looked up at the 6'4 man who wore only some thigh length gym shorts , a plain grey hoodie and black forces and socks. That right there was whore attire if you ask me.

He walked through the door ignoring my presence and then stood in the middle of the room, taking everything in. "Small". His deep voice resounded. Mmm that's not what the landlord thinks though. He's basically making me pay a fortune for this small room. Although I'm behind by like a year it doesn't matter because this apartment is way to small to not be free.

As King stood in the center of the room, his imposing presence seemed to fill the space, contrasting sharply with the cramped surroundings. I couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and apprehension at his unexpected visit.

"Yeah, it's not much, but it's home," i replied, my voice tinged with nervousness as i closed the door behind him. I was shaking in my boots although I was barefoot.

King's gaze swept over the humble surroundings, his expression unreadable. "Home is what you make of it," he said cryptically, his tone distant. Basically judging me for not decorating this piece of poop.

I shifted uncomfortably, unsure of how to interpret his words. I know King as a man of few words, his thoughts often shrouded in mystery. Despite working closely with him at the gym, i had never quite been able to unravel the enigma that was King Niran.

"So, what brings you here?" I asked, attempting to break the tense silence that hung between them.

King turned to face me, his piercing gaze locking onto mine. "I wanna fuck" he said simply still holding the same expression on his face.

To say that I was taken aback is a lie. I was taken all the way back.
He wanted to what!?!?!?

"Excuse me ?" I asked tilting my head in confusion.

"I need release, the physical therapy isnt cutting it. I want to fuck". He said again.

I wanted to scream. Not only was the hottest man i had ever seen in my home but he was there demanding something i had only dreamt about. I want someone to pinch me and tell me it's a dream. I was so ready to scale up his skyscraper build.

"I-i ..". I was at a loss. What was I supposed to say to that. Yes I want you to take me against the wall roughly or that i wanted slow love making on a king bed in a dimly lit hotel room in ibiza? No I couldn't say that although the words were itching at my brain.

"I'll pay you extra". He looking down at me, like he was taking in my full appearance. I'm not gonna sit here and lie that I am ugly. I am in fact one of the prettiest people I know. Remember what I said before, if you dont believe that you're beautiful then no one will..

"I'm not a whore, sir".

"What's this with the switching? Stop going back and forth with the formalities." He said matter of a fact.

I blinked once , twice. "I'll be paying you extra, think of it as you extending the claws of the contract. And you seem to need the money". He looked around the apartment and then back down at me.

My neck all but hurt as I looked up at him. I know I'm not the most moral person out there but to come here and say this to my face is crazy. I wanted the money though and my crush always seemed to be a raging flame anytime I looked at his sunkissed skin.

"Think about it miss Davina. I'll be waiting on a response". He said giving me m a paper he had in his hoodie.

"Call me ". He walked out.

He was hot.

And so was I, more so wet.

I need the money. But should I go ahead and do it. I am no way, shape or form a virgin.

Yes I need the money. I stood there taking in what he said. In the distance I could hear the raging car rev up and speed away.

Am I sick if I accept this?

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