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I couldn't get this knot out of my hair and for the life if me I couldn't sleep. The clock read 23:45 , way past my bed time. Call me a granny or whatever because I loved my sleep. Every day i slept at 21:00 , not a minute later.

It's like my body was programmed for it. I always got tired before then and afterwards I was out like a light. Nothing really happened for me and on a day to day basis I was always at the gym. I didn't even have people that I considered friends hence why I always found myself at the gym.

I was always there trying to forget about my troubles. My rent, which was a year behind and then there was the hospital Bill these were the major payments. Piling onto the long list of Bills was also the food, the transport. All in all there was non left for me. Nothing for me to actually keep for myself.

Everything felt heavy on me. Maybe if I had my aunt's sickness then she wouldn't have been in that situation and I too would have been peacefully laying in a hospital bed. Being a vegetable.

Maybe then all these problems wouldn't come to where they were. I owed so much to so many and among those many were some dangerous people.

Lemme tell you something, rather get money from people, your neighbour, your pastor or even your dog but never , never get money from a loan shark. I lived everyday in fear and I always had to look over my shoulder most times and the only times I felt safe was when I was at work.

I just wanna die honestly



Why did she have to be so beautiful? Any time she came into the gym, the frowns he had always seemed to disappear.

She was also very talkative, always having something to say. Always being distracted , always breaking into a song. Maybe she had ADHD, but he could be wrong.

He gently put down the weight looking around the gym as 2 guys spared in the ring. It frustrated him knowing that he couldn't do anything about his injury. He would try his best to 'recover'. He wanted to sneakily spare but he knew for a fact that Mrs anong would report him to his father.

Davina entered the gym, her eyes scanning the room until they landed on him, lost in his own world, oblivious to her presence. She couldn't help but smirk mischievously as she sauntered over to him, her footsteps silent against the floor.

Standing right behind him, she cleared her throat loudly, expecting him to jump in surprise. But to her disappointment, he remained unfazed, completely engrossed in whatever thoughts were occupying his mind.

Undeterred, Davina leaned in closer, whispering in a ghostly voice, "Boo!"

Still, he didn't flinch, his stoic demeanor unbroken. Davina rolled her eyes, determined to crack his tough exterior. "Come on, tough guy, you can't ignore me forever," she teased, poking his shoulder playfully.

He didn't know why but she had stopped calling him sir for the past 2 days only calling him nicknames like grumpy pants, Carl mcAngery or tough guy. He didn't mind, as long as she got her job done properly and thoroughly. If it had been any other person, he would have slapped their teeth out.

He finally turned his head slightly, acknowledging her presence with a brief glance before returning his focus to whatever he was doing. Davina huffed in frustration, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well, fine then," she declared, undeterred. "If you won't talk, I'll just have to do all the talking for the both of us."

And talk she did. Davina launched into a one-sided conversation, regaling him with tales of her latest adventures, her favorite movies, and everything in between. She talked about her love for adrenaline-pumping activities like skydiving and bungee jumping, describing each thrilling moment in vivid detail.

She rambled on about her fascination with horror movies, sharing her favorite spine-chilling scenes and theories about what makes them so terrifying. She even delved into her passion for cooking, describing elaborate recipes and culinary experiments gone wrong.

Davina continued, "You know, it's not healthy to keep all those thoughts bottled up inside. How about we take a little break and go outside? ".

He didn't move.

"Sir, it's really good for the mind".

He raised an eyebrow, finally acknowledging her with a subtle nod. Davina grinned triumphantly, taking it as a sign of victory. She led the way, chatting animatedly as they stepped outside into the crisp evening air.

"So, have you ever heard the legend of the haunted gym equipment?" she asked, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. He glanced at her, bemused by her sudden shift in tone.

Davina leaned in closer, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Legend has it that every night, when the gym is empty, the weights come alive and start lifting themselves. It's like something straight out of a horror movie!"

Despite himself, a flicker of amusement crossed his face as he listened to her outlandish tale. Davina grinned, encouraged by his reaction, and launched into a series of spooky anecdotes, each one more exaggerated than the last.

As they walked, Davina made it her mission to scare him with tales of ghosts, ghouls, and things that go bump in the night. She pulled out all the stops, incorporating sound effects and dramatic gestures for added effect.

But try as she might, he remained stoic and unflappable, his expression unreadable. Davina couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration, her attempts to elicit a reaction falling flat.

Eventually, they returned to the gym, Davina panting slightly from her exertions. She glanced over at him, half expecting to see a smirk or a glimmer of amusement, but his expression remained impassive as ever.

Defeated but undeterred, Davina made a mental note to try again another day. After all, she was never one to back down from a challenge, especially when it came to cracking the impenetrable shell of Mr. Silent Treatment.

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