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The next day I stood in front of the gym, the time read 2:33 PM and I made it just in time. The meeting was actually for 3 Pm so I had 30 minutes to spare before my meeting with King. I turned to the left and made my way to a nearby Starbucks to get a coffee because baby gurl I was nervous. like shit In your ass kinda nervous, I grabbed my coffee, which was expensive as fuck. who the fuck even came up with these prices? Like i thought they had money but nooooo apparently the dollar bill doesn't go down if you want to make money just spend less money.

my thoughts trailed off as I made my way to the gym, "Miss Davina?", I turned and saw that it was the lady from the day before ."Good afternoon ." she spoke walking toward me and I actually took the time to look at properly, She was pretty but not Davina 'pretty' . hate to toot my own horn but if I don't then who the fuck will?

Think about it this way, if you don't call yourself beautiful every day then no one will so you'll end up feeling ugly like a bag of dog doodoo. Make it make sense Denisha.....

Enough of that though, so I followed the lady with a kinda serious look on my face. The gym was relatively empty so I wasn't too nervous for the time being. We walked into a room with mats and those giant ball things that they had in the gym. I feel kinda bad for not knowing the name for everything but yeah I know you get me. Better to simplify than say things you yourself cannot explain or understand, make it make sense my guy.

"Mr King is a bit preoccupied so please set up for the session and he'll be here with you in a minute". the lady said, in front of was a large window thing where you could see what people were doing and where some people were doing pushups. I looked over and sure enough, there was a small man who looked like a fucking cartoon, his arms were massive. His chest was equally massive and the dude looked like he could benchpress three cars. holy fuck why are there so many people working out here? i can only imagine all this muscle is just for show. I looked around some more and saw there wasn't much else to do, so i decided to do set up for the session, i felt an intense heat coming from behind and when i looked back it was King and he seemed pissed. He had a small cut on his lower lip, which looked juicy by the way. he was F-I-N-E.

i'm sorry, i didn't mean to stare I swear. I've just never seen someone who looked this good, so much better than anything i could find on the internet, even if they're naked. King was very muscular and god damn it, i needed more sugar in my diet, but i had enough of that in my life already. KZing's eyes widened when he saw me staring, he probably thinks I'm trying to kill him or something. I mean that's totally not how you act right?

"Let's begin, Shall we?" He said walking over to the mat I set up. i was just stuck that 8 pack was doing his body justice and i honestly couldn't look away. I felt so attracted to him like i wanted nothing more than to be his girlfriend and live happily ever after. i guess that means I'm gay just kidding, I'm a girl I promise. King was watching my face closely with a slight smirk on his face. oh shit, I'm supposed to answer, i guess so... "uh yeah, yea. let's" i stuttered, still staring at King, he stayed in those shorts that UFC fighters wear, you know the short shorts with the tights he was wearing that. he must think im gonna molest him... fuck. i mentally slapped myself across the face, now's not the time for that. he looked a little surprised by my answer, he was clearly expecting more of a reaction and that wasn't it. i cleared my throat and started the session. "My clothes are all soaked in sweat, i can do this without a shirt right?" King said setting down the shirt he had already taken off. He looked at me waiting for my response and it took every ounce of self-control i had not to drool over his abs. hell, I bet he has abs under those same abs! "of course sir."

"You just gonna stand there?" he was laying on his back "AH I'll begin right away". i placed a small towel on his waist and thighs " Do you have any concerns ?" I asked getting the oils.

"just do your thing ". His eyes were closed and the lashes were so beautiful i had to mentally fight the urge to cut them up and make a sew-in for my own lashes. "Do what you know".

"yes sir". Man I felt overwhelmed, His body was sculpted by GOD, Like GOD took his time creating this fine man. I then sat on the floor beside him and began lathering his shoulder wit the oils. The session began, I kneaded out every knot i felt under my fingers . "Ms Davina". His chest rumbled and it took all that i had not to sit on his face. So fine. "Sir?"

"Maybe you could help me with another one, please". His voice was deep, it was almost hypnotizing, his words made my heart skip a beat. i did not even realize he had moved. I quickly pulled myself together and sat back on my ass. I put his legs over my shoulders and positioned them " i'm glad you chose my services." i said trying to keep my voice steady, my cheeks were burning and my stomach was twisting. fuck, he's hot. he looked me directly in my eyes, they were really brown, but also very dark and sexy. I don't know why but i felt like i had met him before, like i knew him from somewhere. i tried to ignore the fact that he had an amazing body and looked absolutely flawless and i failed miserably. King Smirked.

"What's wrong Miss Davina?" i heard him ask,"oh uh..", i wasn't prepared for this question, I hadn't been thinking of it since he first asked me "uh what?", King looked at me funny and I could tell that he was trying not to laugh. "Your skin is a bit too pale." I could tell he was struggling to hold back his smile. This was the first time I'd seen a smile or a smirk on his face, it has always been stoic or indifferent or an angry expression.

I gave him the full-body sports massage.

 As I continued massaging his leg I couldn't help but fawn over how hot his was and accidentally touched something hard, like it was hard but soft and when I looked down I saw it was his dick ."What the fuck do you think you are doing touching me like that?" he asked in a very calm voice but his eyes were fucking scary, I damn near shit myself. I thought I was gonna get body slammed or muay thai'd out that gym. "I'm sorry sir, I was so focused on the message that I ..... I'm sorry". I felt so bad I also felt like crying because all these problems seemed to only happen to me .

First I didn't have a job, my aunt is in the hospital, Then I seem to annoy everyone around me and to top it off it all  I'm here molesting people damn can't I catch a break. "The fuck are you crying for?" He looked irritated. "I'm sorry ". i said wiping away at the stray tear.

"Hurry up and finish and make sure not to touch me like that again." He scared me , For what reason? i don't know. But what did he mean by ' don't touch me like that' Like I didn't fondle your balls, my guy, It was an honest mistake. I wouldn't actually say this to his face but hey at least I can say it in my head. King then stood up and began stretching his arms "Not bad." he spoke and reached over to the shirt he had left somewhere in the room " Thank you sir ". I said grabbing my things as quickly as I could and then I stood by the door when Mrs Anong, The lady from earlier who was Thai by the way, walked in " I hope that session was to your liking Mr King." She said.

"It was good." He walked out without another word, " Alright miss, please follow me to my office." I followed and soon we were in her office, with her sitting behind the table and so was I. "I hope the session wasn't too troubling " I shook my head no and she continued" we will be paying you a small fee for your services today. we will keep in touch with you if you get the job or not. i apologize for the inconvenience but Mr King is very peculiar about the people he works with. Please tell me if you have any questions regarding the job."

Just give me the money. Peculiar my ass, like did I get the job or nah???? I thought "I don't have anything, but I would like to know how much I will be getting?"

"$5,000 ". she said unlocking the monitor on her desk before typing something. 5 GRAND!!!! for a message like sign me up baby we getting the bag , I guess they got money money. 5 grand. like that's a lot of money for a 30-minute session and she's calling it a small fee??  "I will have the money forwarded to your account so please email it to me . we will keep in touch miss and thank you for your service." She stood to shake my hand, we shook hands and I walked out of the building with no sign of King anywhere. Like who the fuck pays 5 I'm still in shock.

I checked the time and it was already 6 PM. I made my way to the bus stop and took out my headphones to listen to music while I waited for the bus. I'm still in shock and I knew for sure I wasn't sleeping at all.

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