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Work is ass and so is the lady i bumped into this morning. A whole ass Karen who had shit for breakfast, child her breath was steaming. Eggs even. I was in a foul mood and I felt like i would explode if I didn't calm down. I was gonna fight somebody's mother if they ever came at me like that again. Her teeth were so gross. Like please take some time in the morning to brush your teeth or at least have some mint gum on the Go before polluting the air with earbag breath.

"Robo cop built head ass". I mumbled.

I watched on as king finally walked through the gym doors, and he seemed angry, enraged even. what crawled up his ass? Maybe that lady spoke to him.

now i feel bad for him, Poor King. He never stood a chance against her.

Well I was okay for the time being. Nothing to much out of the ordinary. I was really happy about my schedule , I didn't have to come in as much but the down side would be that I wasn't being paid much. Don't get me wrong, it was more than enough to pay the Bills and keep me in a safe area.

I didn't earn by the hour but by day . Even though I only worked for about 5 hours everyday. "Morning Mr Niran" , I said softly taking a sip of the Starbucks coffee I bought on the way .

All he did was nod "Morning". He said gruffly. He looked angry but then again when has he ever looked not angry .

"You look great. Was your morning good?" I asked as we walked in the same direction,  toward the lift. And you know what this man does , completely ignores me. I'm telling you that I felt like crawling into the earth's core. Not gonna lie that was rude and if someone ever came with the 'me personally I wouldn't take that' . I swear I would have been throwing hands but lucky for me no one was here to witness this ass wrenching embarrassing moment.

I cleared my throat and glances at the stairs , maybe I should use the stairs instead . That way I won't be stuck with mr hot , gorgeous and Uptight.  I swear this man was on his period.

As we began approaching the elevator,  I did the first thing that came to mind , which was try to three pointer my Starbucks cup after my drink was finished, bad idea . The cup just plopped to the floor and I felt like everyone was looking at me.

King stopped and looked at me with a raised brow. I'm sure I looked dumb as hell. "Well i gotta go set up now ". I nervously laughed picking up the cup and throwing it in the bin on my way to the stairs. He just stood there and raised a brow then shook his head and reached out to press the lift button. 

I throw the cup away and begin my journey to the second floor.  Which was grueling might I add . The steps where so small yet so many.  The person who designed these stairs can rot in hell. My job as a physical therapist has been very difficult like it's hard having a man that fine in the same vicinity. Its very hard having to be around such a good looking guy , not to toot my own horn but I'd give myself a solid 7 and then an 8 on a good day but this man , he can get this couchy anytime child.

After what seemed like 40 days in the desert I had finally made it to the second floor.  It was s very spacious gym and many elite athletes came to train there. What was impressive was that King had bought the gym when he was 17 and had been running it since,  well for the past 5 years I think someone else was doing it. Since he is a MMA fighter. More so a Muay Thai fighter,  if that's what you call them.

Did I mention that he has tattoos? No? Well his body was semi covered in tattoos.  His whole left leg was tatted and then his chest and arms , not to mention part of his neck. The look made him look dangerous and climb worthy. Back to the description. The second floor was bloody massive as was the whole gym and the equipments were elite. I got into one of the private rooms which was my office if you would. 

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