Fate of the General

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"Soldiers pack up! We're moving out!" Shang shouts from outside as Alexis looks at Mulan the next morning.

"Moving out? I thought you said you heard we wouldn't be going?" Alexis asks curiously.

"I thought so but I guess the general wants us there." Mulan says.

"Guess so." Alexis says as she stands up.


As the group come to a village they soon see it has been destroyed and all that is left is burning remnants.

"Oh no.. These poor people." Alexis thinks to herself as she looks around horrified.

"Search for survivors!" Shang shouts as everyone starts looking around. As Alexis is looking she finds a torn up painting of a family and looks at it sadly.

"You okay?" A voice asks revealing to be Ling as he looks at Alexis concerned.

"Yeah.. It's just hard to see something like this." Alexis says as she places the torn painting on the ground.

"First time with war hmm?" Ling asks as Alexis nods.

"Yeah.." Alexis says sadly.

"Mine as well. Whatever happened here it can't have been a natural cause." Ling says.

"Captain!" Chi Fu shouts as everyone goes and sees a battlefield full of dead Chinese soldiers.

"The ... general." Chien-Po says as he brings over a helmet before Shang takes it and puts a sword in the ground before putting the helmet on it.

"I'm sorry." Mulan says as she goes over to Shang.

"The Huns are moving quickly. We'll make better time to the Imperial City through the Tung Show pass. We're the only hope for the Emperor now. Move out!" Shang shouts as he gets on his horse before he group gets moving again.

A Love Worth Fighting For Mulan Ling X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now