Bill Denbrough x reader

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(Y/n = your name H/c = hair color)

Y/n pov:
I woke up feeling sweaty and dizzy, god I felt like throwing up. I sat up just to immediately lay back down again, my head hurts so bad.

"Y/n! Wake up your boyfriend is on the phone!" My goody little sister yelled

I groaned, "tell him I don't feel well!" I yelled.

After few minutes constipating when to get the fuck up, I manage to get enough energy to walk to my bathroom. I totally didn't nearly threw up the way there.

I washed my face feeling a tad bit refreshed. Brushed my teeth, I change my sweaty pajamas into something more comfortable (A/n: you can imagine the outfit)

I'm surprise it's quiet today. Oh right my parents aren't home. There never were.

After I was done, my head started to kick in again.

I went downstairs slumped on the couch can barely move again.

And just I was finally drifting to sleep the was a knock on the door how great!

I got off the couch opened the door seeing the leader of the 'loser club' itself. Bill Denbrough.

"Yuh-your sister s-said you didn't feel wu-well, so I c-came tuh-to check on yuh-you (get it Arianna) bill said.

"Thanks bill" I said gosh I love this guy.

"N-no puh-problemo"

We both went inside, I slumped back onto the couch as he sat next to me.

"Je-jeez you okay?"

"I just have a throbbing headache it's fine"

"Oh, w-want me tuh-to get you water?"

"Water sounds good thanks bill"

"No p-problem"

I watched him leave to go to the kitchen, what did I ever do to deserve this man?

He came back with a glass of water and a bowl of cereal (your favorite kind) and he helped me sat up.


I thanked him. He smiled in response gosh he's adorable.

I drank some water, and ate some of the cereal while I was eating he was playing with my h/c hair.

He gave me medicine after I finished my food.

"Thanks Billy, I don't know what I'll do without you"

"I-its fi-fine it's m-my j-job to take care of y-you"

I giggled as I rested my head on his lap.

"I lo-love yuh-you"

"I love you too."

A/n: I cringed to much at the last bit help. I'm sorry it's too short lol. Anyways thank you for reaching the end!!
Have good day or night :)

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