Georgie and the reader (2)

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Part 2!

5:23 am

'huh-hey.. y/n.. wake up!"

Y/n fluttered her eyes awake from the suddenly noise. She couldn't see who the person was until her vision becomes clear.


Y/n sat up from the cold floor as she pushed the blanket away while sleeping.

"Su-suh-sorry for waking you uh-up"

"It's alright" y/n said as she yawed clearly half asleep

"Yuh-you looked uh- un cuh-comf fortable "


"Du-do yuh-you want to suh-sleep in my bed?"

"No I'm good"

"N-no, I insist"

"It's alright, I'll sleep on the couch"

"I'll guh-get you mu-more blankets and pi-pillows"

"Thanks bill"


Billy made his way downstairs to grab more spare pillows and blankets, while y/n picked up the once she had on the floor and made her way downstairs

"Uhm, bill, why are you back so early?"

"They were th-throwing a puh-party b-but I guh-got tired"

"Then you should head to bed"

"Alright mom"

"Beep beep your way to sleep mister."

Bill made his was to his room to sleep

-time skip-

9:12 am

Y/n rose again from her finally slightly more comfortable place to sleep in.

'Mr and Ms Denbrough should be back by 10'

Y/n made her way to the bathroom washing her face and getting all cleaned up.

Y/n made her way to Georgie's room to get him ready for the day.

"Hey Georgie, wake up buddy"


"Come on bud"

Georgie finally opened his eyes and sat up

"It's too early.."

"Uh, no, it's already 9 your parents should be back by 10."

"But that means your leaving.."

"Well get up, we have one more hour to spend"


Y/n made her way to the boys closer picking out a outfit for him to wear, while Georgie made his way to the bathroom

"Georgie, your clothes on your bed I'll make you cereal"

"Thanks n/n"

Y/n made her way downstairs towards the kitchen, she grabbed a bowl, milk, and cereal

Georgie finished and made his way down

"I didn't have time too cook, I just made you cereal"

"Thank you, y/n!!"

Knock knock

"That must be your parents, Georgie!"

"Awh, nooo don't go"

"I'll be back soon, I'll visit I promise'

"that's to long to wait"

"You can always convince your brother in taking you, when the losers hang out"


"Just not when where killing clowns, Kay?"

"Eh uhm uhh, okay!"

(A/n: The end!! Tell me if you want more Georgie fluff!)

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