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Hurt comfort - fluff

Richie pov:
Me, Stan, and Bill were waiting for Eddie to arrive at the park

"We all agreed to meet here by 2! Where the hell is Eddie!?" I whined

"C-calm du-down Richie you k-know how Eddie's m-mom is." Said bill

"If your so impatient, why don't you pick your little boyfriend up?" Stan said

"Shut up Stan!"

Stan rolled his eyes while bill just sign

"F-for r-real though r-richie go l-look for him"


I biked towards his house.
While heading there I saw a familiar knocked over bike Infront of an alleyway.



It's Eddie's bike.

I immediately got off my bike



"Eddie spaghet-

"Fuck off bowers!"


"Holy shit!"

Eddie was back against the wall tears rolling his eyes, a cut shape like the letter 'H' on his cheek, it was bleeding bad.

"Oh look it's the f@g coming to save his prince ay?

I knew I can't take them all at once I'm not that strong.

Henry grabbed Eddie's shirt collar to lift him up. Victor pushing Richie forward Infront of Eddie.

" Look at you little boyfriends pretty face before I fuck shit up" Henry said taking his knife Infront of Eddie's face.

"Hey! Henry!" A police arrive conveniently it's was Henry's father.

The bowers gang let go of me and dropped Eddie down and ran like pussy cats running away from a dog.

"Oh my god, Eddie!"

I helped him up and took him to parks bathroom where surprisingly Stan and Bill was in.

"H-holy cuh-crap whu-what happened!?"

"Bowers happened" I said

"Stan can you fix him up?"

"Where's your fanny pack Eddie?"

"Here" he took of his fanny pack of his waist

Stan stopped the bleeding, then cleaned the cut, and bandage his face up.

"Thanks Stan" Eddie said

"S-so r-richie was yuh-your k-knight and shi-shinning armor today Eddie?"

Eddie giggled in response but his smile slowly disappeared

"If my mom finds me like this I won't be able to hangout with the losers anymore."

"Don't worry Ed's! I'm sure I can convince my wife to let you hang out with us!"

"Beep beep Richie" Stan said while rolling his eyes

A/n: wohoo! One chapter done again!

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