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"Hanahaki" he said nervously.

What? Hahanaki? No shit hannahaki?
Hannaki? "Hanna what now?"

"Hanahaki disease, one-sided love disease."

"So I have a 'hanahaki' because my 'crush' doesn't like me back..?"

"I'm sorry Stan.. the only way to cure this is the person you love, loves you back.."

"Who do you like Stanley?"


Thoughts ran in my head like crazy. 'do I tell him I like bill?' 'will I die' 'how do I survive this shit?' 'maybe I should tell him that I-' all of my thoughts were interrupted by Eddie

"There's always surgery.."

"There is?!"

"Yeah.. most of the patients died.." Eddie said

"Meaning I'll die.."

"If you put it that way yeah."

"Who do you like stanny?" He said in calm tone

"Uhm.." I whispered

"Come on Stan, I can't help you if I don't know who you like!"

"He's in the loser club"

"Is it mike!?"





He asked in a joking tone

"What? No!"

"It's bill is it!?"

I felt my cheeks heat up

"Oh I knew it!" He said excitedly

"It was so obvious! I'm pretty sure he likes you back!"

"Then how do I have the disease, Eddie!"

"Maybe because you guys kinda took forever to be together to the fact that he kissed Bev!?"

"Then how are you so sure he likes me back?"

"They broke up 2 days after they swap spits"

"Wait what?"

"Yeah turns out Bev had a thing for Ben!"

"Now all you have to do is confess! Come on Stan be the man you are!"


Another coughing fit, I ran in my bathroom I was coughing like crazy. Eddie followed me not to far behind, I know he does not like blood at all.

"You okay?" He said holding my curly hair up and using his other hand to pat my back.

I washed my mouth to get rid of that disgusting bloody taste.


I gagged looking at the sink.

There were alot more petals than I expected.

I heard Eddie groan in disgust I mean I would to.

"Go back to my room I'll clean this up"

Eddie pov:

While I was waiting for Stan to finish his business in the bathroom, I heard a ring downstairs.

"Eddie can you get that? Please do not tell anyone about this!" Stan yelled


I picked up the phone "Hey is Stan there?"
Of course it's him. Richie tozier.


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