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Concept: Reddie sleepover!

Richie pov:

I went back to my house feeling exhausted. School was shit. Like what kind of school gives 4 test in a friday!? And only for bowers to make it 'better'.

The rest of the losers were busy today which is just great.

Once I finally arrived home. I opened the door making my way to kitchen for a snack.

"Welcome back sweetie how was school?"

"It was fine."

"You alright dear?"

"Yeah, we just had alot of tests today"

"Oh, don't forget Eddie's coming over for a sleepover."

Oh right! Ed's coming over! One thing that made this day less worse.

"What time will he arrive?"

"Around six, his mom will drop him off'

I looked at the clock on the wall it was '4:56' pm

"While you wait, why don't you clean up your room you don't want your best friend .
Seeing your messy room?"

"Okay!" I yelled snatching some snacks

I went up my stairs too my room, god my mom was right it looked like a hippopotamus just raided it.

After cleaning most if it I was exhausted. I looked at the clock realizing it '5:44' pm already.

I took the rest of the hour finish up my snacks, around 6:10 i-

"Richie, Eddie's here!" My mom yelled


I ran down the stairs into the front door opening it.

"Hey, Eddie spaghetti!"

"Beep beep Richie!"

"Oh, greetings Ms.Kaspbrak would you like to come in?" Said my mom

"Oh no, I just came to drop Eddie. Thank you for the offer Mrs ( a/n: Ms? Or Mrs?) MrsTozier." My wif- I mean Ms.K said

"Bye, Ma!" Said Eddie

"Eddie bear, you forgetting something?"

"Oh right" Eddie said after kissing Ms.K cheek.

"Would you like one from me too Ms-" I was cut off by Eddie pushing me inside

"Jeez ed's, is that how you say hello to the great o'l Richie Tozier?"

"Don't call me that!"

"Alright boys, enough fighting dinners ready!"

"Come on Eddie spaghetti were having spaghetti for dinner!" I said dragging him to the dinner table.

"Stop calling me that!"

We sat down, and started eating.

"Thanks for having me over Mrs.T!"

"Of course Eddie, anytime!"

After we ate dinner, we over to the living room to watch a movie. After 10 minutes on debating what movie to watch we settled with a horror movie.

"Why a scary movie?"

"You scared ed's?"

"What no!"

"Sure Eddie sure."

While the movie was taking forever to play due to horrible connection we decide to start a conversation.

"How was your day Ed's?"

"Stop calling me thaaat!" He said dragging the a

"It went fine, what about you?"

"Meh, the teacher literally gave 4 tests on a Friday!"

"And bowers just had to come along" I said groaning

"That sucks, are you okay now though?"

"Awh is Eddie worried about mee?"

"Beep beep Richie!"

"Yeah I am so?"

I felt my cheeks slowly but surely heat up, I've had a crush on this boy for years.

"But yeah, I am"

The movie finally started to play

"Boys, I made popcorn!" My mom yelled

I stood up getting the popcorn, and thanking my mom"

"Here Eddie" handing him the bowl of popcorn.

Whenever jumpscare's pop up Eddie would burry his face on my shoulder. He's so cute ahshdbjshwbeishen

About 50 minutes in the movie Eddie fell asleep on my shoulder, I played with his hair and soon enough fell asleep afterwards.

A/n: omg fluff!? Hope you enjoyed reading!

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