❄️ Various x reader: Mistletoe kisses (Headcannons part 1) 🌨

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A/N: The headcannons are Modern AU, so no deaths or gore will be involved in this chapter except a few spoilers/references from the manga will be added. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, dear readers and most importantly, enjoy!

- He...doesn't know much about Christmas Eve.
- Before Christmas Eve, you treated him with some themed restaurants and drink hot chocolate together (A/N: Like Power, he hates coffee. No Starbucks dates except they ordered Christmas-themed frappuccinos 🙈).
- The both of you bought some cozy winter clothes and help find each other's favorite style and/or aesthetic.
- You and Denji bought matching hats and jackets to match as a souvenir.
- Even though he's a fish out of water, he gets to understand why it is an important event from you.
- You told him that it is a day where people spend more time with their families, a lot of Christmas presents are stacked under the Christmas tree, and Santa Claus putting kids onto the naughty or nice list (A/N: Which list will Denji be in? 🤔) when he is staying at your home for a week.
- When you told him about kissing under the mistletoe, he is excited and turned on about it as if he's gonna pounce at you in any second and cover your body with kisses fri head to toe.
- You give him the consent since he deserved to be loved.
- The consent he received is so much more comforting than the one Makima gave him. He doesn't know why but it's 10x better than that, so he gave it a try. His body is ready.
- You insisted that you wanted to hug and share your warmth with him when you drag Denji to your bedroom.
- You grabbed a mistletoe that you bought before Christmas Eve from your drawer and hang it on the bed's headboard.
- You called Denji to sleep next to you and grabbed a blanket to wrap both of you into a shape of a dome or burrito.
- Still blushing, trembling in fear and awkwardness, he managed to give you a soft peck on your cheek and/or forehead.
- The two of you are both exchanging and transmitting body temperatures to one another (A/N: The two of you can be naked or wearing pyjamas in bed 😏) 
- The warmth from his fingertips gently made its way to caress your cold face and clasped both of your hands together to warm them up.
- Finally, the masculine fingertips grabbed your waist and pulled you into his chest as you and Denji drifted off to sleep.
- Never letting go until the last snowflake falls into a pile of translucent snow.

Aki Hayakawa
- You sensed that the winter brings him some PTSD and unavoidable trauma. (A/N: Do you get déjà vu? 😭)
- Aki is fed up with the pain, fear, anger and hatred burning inside him. However, he couldn't let go of his past. He tries to forget it but it's nearly impossible.
- However, there's one thing that keeps him from feeling irritated, you. He decided to hang out with you during Christmas Eve by sending texting messages with you for 2 hours straight.
- Aki also seeks Arai and Himeno's support and love advices beforehand.
- He doesn't mind or bother going to places you wanna go, as long as you are comfortable throughout the day, it's one of the reasons why it puts a smile on his face.
- He is just happy that he gets to know you. You went into his life and sparks the compassion needed for his cold and ruthless heart.
- When he is standing there waiting for you on the streets during Christmas Eve, he couldn't see you from afar, ignoring your blurry silhouette in the distance. You grabbed some snow on the ground and throw a snowball at him, which made him shrieked so loud. You chuckled at his priceless reaction.
- He was about to lose his temper but brushes it off anyways. He simply sighed and facepalmed at you.
- When meeting up with him, you first give him some of your homemade cookies (A/N: it could be any treat of choice 🍪).
- Although he's not a fan of sweets, he is touched by your sign of gratitude.
- The two of you are enjoying the time of day by looking at illumination festivals and skating on thin ice near the shopping centre.
- When you're sneezing and coughing, he led his own jacket and scarf to you, buttoning the coat up and tying a knot around your neck for you to make sure you never catch a cold.
- When you sprain your ankle or injured your kneecaps during skating, he helped you get out of the ice rink by princess-carrying you or giving you a piggy-back ride.
- Aki, who is still carrying you in his arms, noticed you pointing to the Christmas tree that hangs a mistletoe on one of the branches and above the presents when heading back home.
- Aki first refused the offer since he doesn't believe in this stuff. The whole love and romance thing that you've invented is cringe and an irrational plan to follow and do. And most importantly, this will break the friendship between you and him.
-You give him the puppy eyes, which made him chuckled and couldn't help but smiled at you. It seems you never get to see his smile very often, it's like you have just seen a side of him that he won't show to anybody but you.
- He pulls into a deep French kiss.
- The experience of exchanging each other's saliva is making you and Aki's faces heat up, desperate to kiss one another and so-called 'destined soulmates', keeping each other warm while frostbite forms on your entire body.
- The aftertaste of the cigarettes from Aki's tongue is making your jaws ache and your brain, melting from the kiss and can't think straight.
- Your stiff tiptoeing legs are turning numb after the long kissing session with this man.
- You stared deep into his azure blue eyes which are begging to receive affection and desires from you.
- The last thing you knew is the magic from the mistletoe is making you go head over heels with this arrogant yet wholesome dude (A/N: and male housewife! 😳) that swore to take care and protect you for the rest of your life.
- Let's be honest, you're spoiling him a little too much!

- Despite being a fiend, there is a time where the blood devil is not craving for fights and tired of blood spilling all over her battlefield.
- You and Power decided to spend time together during Christmas Eve in the arcade centre.
- Before heading out, she is annoyed, whining, and making excuses such as talking about how stuffy her nose is her winter clothes are way too thick that she couldn't move around freely like in summer.
- Because of that, Power is constantly removing her jacket and scarf outdoors and it is your job to babysit her and make her wear it throughout the entire day.
- The only strategic move you can think of is to threaten her to make her pay her own burger lunch set (with fries and a vanilla milkshake on the side) by herself if she doesn't cooperate with you.
- The chaotic atmosphere matches Power's personality, rebellious, casual and full of necessary violence and freedom.
- You and Power played some video games that revolves around shooting zombies with guns (e.g: AK(i)-47) and throwing basketballs. Games such as Taiko no Tatsujin: The Drum Master, whack-a-mole, pinball machines, and car racing are also Power's favorite.
- You also called Power to join you to play one of your favorite video games, Dance Dance Revolution and DanceRush Stardom.
- The both of you are dancing to the Hot Dog song and dancing to Kobeni's dance as a large crowd began to form near the dancing machines.
- After enjoying the fun and games, the two of you decided to go to a fast food restaurant to get the burger lunch set as promised. The both of you sat on a booth near a TV.
- Power was busying getting rid of the pickles and the lettuces on top of the burger patties before aggressively chomping on the burgers while you are drinking your vanilla milkshake imported from Madagascar, relieving your mood swings by savouring the rich vanilla beans stuck to your teeth after you took a couple sips from the beverage and proud of being a basic bitch. (A/N: Why is vanilla an underrated flavour, it's just perfect! 🍨) You admired how cute and intriguing the milkshake is when it is decorated with an edible mistletoe and a maraschino cherry on top of the whipped cream.
- Power saw a TV commercial where couples are kissing under a mistletoe in a snowy day. The fiend felt confused after the couple are smiling and giggling at each other after they kissed.
- Why are mortals going all mad and hyped up over that plant? I don't get it. If I kiss Y/N, will she laugh like the couple in the TV show or maybe she despises this kind of stuff?, she thought to herself.
- Then she turned to you and think of trying it out. She took out the mistletoe, that is still drenched with milkshake, with her bare hands and placed it on top of your head. The breadcrumbs and sticky white milk foams are making your hair soaking wet and itch.
- Just before you turned to Power furiously and telling her to explain what has gotten into her, Power pounced onto you and gave you a sloppy kiss on the cheek, imitating the scene that are from the commercials.
- At this point, the customers are staring in shock and Power's foods and utensils are dropped to the floor, making loud clinging noises that sends more attention to the restaurant's customers and staff.
- After pulling into a long kiss, Power licked the remaining crumbs and milkshakes from your face.
- You are blushing bright red and was shocked about why Power will kiss you all of a sudden?! She is crazy but does the licking part mean she is into you as a friend or something more, just like how dogs show affection and trustworthiness to their owners?
- Power pointed at the TV that is replaying the same commercials as before.
- The both of you chuckled at the expectations and reality of replicating the scenes in the commercials, both spoiling and executing it perfectly.
- At the end of the day, you manage to get change into some clean clothes and a bath before you and Power go and get a KFC bucket as a midnight snack.

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Date finished: 20/12/2022

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