🐶 Reze x Male! Reader: Rent a girlfriend ⛓

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Requested by: @HantraxHF

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"Wakey wakey handsome. It's fun to watch you drooling in your sleep, but doesn't it get a little bit old after 2 hours."

The girl with black hair said as she stretches both of her skinny arms and fixes her bun. She looks at Y/N with a stern look and took a strand of hair and placed it near her ear's helix. The girl is wearing a white lingerie decorated with black chrysanthemum flowers (A/N: it is the similar pattern of her kimono in one of the manga covers) and includes spaghetti straps that are barely holding her milk jugs properly.

Her face gave an impatient look and waited for the boy's response. She slowly climbs onto the youngster's bed and sits on top of him. Y/N is too stunned to speak and isn't expecting to see the lustful scenery of a girl wearing revealing undergarments and making erotic postures in front of him at night. He couldn't tell if she was a blessing or a vixen. But he knows he's going to hell very soon.

As she began to lean forward and press her chest against his, she whispered in his ear and demand him to obey what she told him,

"I'm hungry. Feed me with your virginal body essence."


"Wowie! I can't believe that this dating app is already released on the App Store. OH MY GOD! WOW! My palms are sweating like crazy, I can feel my third leg is gonna stand up on its own once I start scrolling at some pictures of tall smokin' hot chicks with huge milkers and a thicc cake." (B/F/N) turned and faced Y/N to introduce the erotic, rip-off version of the Onlyfans app that he has downloaded on his phone.

Y/N is looking out of the classroom's window, watching the birds flying in a victory V formation. His one and only way of mediating has been interrupted by his friend's lewd discussion about dating apps and anime waifus and their titties.

Y/N turned his head towards (B/F/N). He swore that he can see his friend's third leg is fully erected and doesn't think he has the care in the world to take care of it right now. His dirty fantasies about women wearing swimsuits or possibly showing her private parts in public has overtaken his mind.

There's no stopping him, isn't it?

"Yep...I'm so proud of you man... you're gonna get yourself a smoking' hot babe this year...One New Year's resolution down, two more to go." Y/N said in a monotone voice and turned his head back to the window. (B/F/N) saw this and wasn't pleased at Y/N's reaction. He forcefully kicked Y/N's chair, causing the (H/C)-haired boy to fall from his seat and sending his bosom landing on the floor real hard (A/N: The impact that causes his pelvis to break and crack was personal 😰).

"HEY! WHAT THE HELL MAN!!! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" Y/N shouted as he rubbed his damaged bum.

It's super effective!

"Hah! Serves you right for not paying attention to what I love. Anyways...COME ON MAN!!! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE~ You should try it! Here! Read that questionnaire and pick a girl that fits your type." Y/N sighed and eventually gave into his ridiculous idea.

"Man, I'm surrounded by idiots."

Y/N facepalmed before slowly got up and looked at (B/F/N)'s phone screen to do the dating app's survey.

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