Chapter 4

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"Hey, Marinette! It's raining outside so I was thinking of dropping you two off?" I heard Bakugou ask from outside my front door.
"Louis! Can you open the door please?" I asked out of the kitchen.
I was making breakfast still. We were running a bit behind schedule. 
"Hey, Mr. Neighbor!"
"Hey, Louis. You know you can just call me Bakugou right?"
"Alright! Mr. Bakugou." I chuckled lightly hearing Louis and Bakugou talk. 
"I'm in the kitchen Bakugou!" I called out.
"Hey. What are you doing?"
"I'm running behind schedule but this is breakfast," I said gesturing to the scrambled eggs.
"Hmm well hurry up. I'm taking you both since it's raining. And I was thinking I could pick Louis up from school too and bring him to your afternoon cafe when I come?" He asked leaning against the island. 
"Umm no it's ok. I think the rain will stop by then."
"It won't. And you'll get soaked. And him too. It'll be best if I pick him up. Don't worry."
"I don't know."
"Come on trust me."

I mean Bakugou never did anything for me not to rust him. It's just been 3 weeks since I met him. We talked at the cafe and sometimes he would drop me off at work and Louis at school. But I don't want Louis to get close to him. 

"Fine," I muttered and gave Louis his plate with eggs.
"Great." He smiled and took a piece out of my toast.
"I'll give you guys 10 more minutes. See ya, Louis." He ruffled Louis's hair and then walked out of my apartment. 
I sighed but couldn't help the smile that was growing.

Bakugou was nice. He helped whenever he can and was always nice to Louis. He's tall and strong and handsome. He swears too but he doesn't swear in front of us. He's very protective too. I still have that hoodie he gave me. It's just so warm and big that I never gave it back. 

"Alright. I'll pick up Louis before I come to the cafe." We were parked in my morning cafe's parking lot.
"Right. And be nice. And if someone asks who you are just say that you are our neighbour and that Marinette asked you to come to pick him up."
"Thank you again Bakugou." I smiled at him and then ran to the entrance of the cafe. 

Bakugou's POV:
"Hey, Bakubro. How was the case?"
"We found some witnesses and I had to interrogate them," I said while putting my notepad with all my clues and information in it on my desk.
"Ready to go see your girlfriend?"
"Shut up. She's not my girlfriend....yet." I muttered then got up.
"Shit. I got to pick up Louis. You guys go to the café. And I'll meet you guys there." I went into my police car and drove off towards the school.
It was still raining. Not like earlier but it was still raining. 

I walked out of my car and walked towards the school where kids were getting picked up.
I saw Louis talking to a girl a little shorter than him.
She had the school uniform with her hair in pigtails. 
Louis was blushing while talking about whatever.
"Hey, Louis!" I cupped my hands around my mouth and shouted making everyone look our way.
He looked at me and then smiled real big. He waved at the girl and then ran to me.
"Hey, Mr. Bakugou!"
"Hey, kid. How was school?"
"It was awesome! A police officer is coming soon. Do you know who it is?"
"Hmmm nope. You want me to come?"
"Yes please!"
"Who was that girl back there, huh? Seems like you like her a lot?" I smirked seeing him blush a deep red.
"Aww, you're blushing." I cooed while crouching down to his level. 
"I am not. And she's just my friend.
"A friend you like~"
"Shut up!"
"Oi! Don't swear. Your mom's going to kill me."
"Sorry." He muttered and kicked a rock.
"Anyways. Let's get in the car. You're going to get all wet."
After buckling him up in my car, I sat down in my seat and started the car.

"Mr. Bakugou?"
"Yea kid?" I asked while looking in my rearview mirror and then looking back in front. 
"So umm my friends and I were talking today...."
"And they were talking about their dads..."
"What's wrong? You didn't talk about your dad?"
He just stared at me weirdly.
"You don't know what a dad is, kid?"
"No...." The kid doesn't have a dad? So his mom is single? Does that mean they broke up or something? How could he not know what a dad is? Didn't she tell him?
"It's alright, kid. Just ask your mom, k?"

Once we got there, I opened his door and he ran towards the entrance of the cafe. 
I entered calmly seeing my friends sitting down and eating their lunch. 
"Hey, baby. How was school?" I saw Marinette lift Louis and put him on her hip.
While he was telling her about his day she was wiping down tables. 
She was so strong as a single mother. No wonder she has 3 jobs. 
I like her even more now. 

"Hm?" She hummed looking up at me.
"We need to talk."
"Oh ok. Louis-"
"He'll stay here with the guys. Oi! Sero. Keep an eye on Louis for me."
After putting Louis down I grabbed her wrist and pulled her with me to the back. 
"What's wrong?"
"You never told me you were single."
"What? Why would you even need to know? Who even told you?"
"Louis. He told me how his friends were talking about their dads and he had nothing to say. He doesn't even know what a fucking dad is."
"He doesn't need to know." She glared at me. 
"Fine. Ok. Listen. I'm not going to force you to tell me what happened. But he deserves to know."
"He'll know....when he's ready. Now I got to go to work." She glared hard then walked away.

Marinette's POV:
I can't believe it.
I get it.
I should've told Louis. He's going to have questions but what am I supposed to tell him? His grandfather didn't want his son to be a father at a young age and forced him to abandon us. 
No way am I telling a 6-year-old that. 


Hey guys!
So tomorrow I'm getting my wisdom teeth I won't be able to post for a while since the doctors said I might be like lazy and out of it for a few days.
But once I'm all good, I'll post again!

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