Chapter 8

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"Come on Louis, let's go home." I picked him up and swung him in the air.
"Mommy? Are you alright?"
"Yea I'm fine, buddy."
"Are you and Mr. Bakugou still friends?"
"I don't know, buddy.." I sighed. 

We got home after a long tiring walk.
"Alright, Louis. Go take a shower and change into pj's."
"Alright!" He ran to the bathroom. 
I sighed and started thinking of what to cook for dinner. 
I didn't hear the door next door shut yet so I knew Bakugou didn't come home yet.
Why do I care?
He can home late all he wants. 
But what if he's with a girl? What if he's with Ms. Red?
He can. I don't care.

Is that Bakugou? 
Why do I feel excited?
I don't.

I sighed and walked to the door to open it.
"Bak-What!? What are YOU doing here?"

"Adrien. I'm going to ask again. What are you doing here? How did you find out where I live? Answer me!"
Right in front of me was an older version of the Adrien I dated years ago. 
(Image above but without the scar. I know He ugly. Older Bakugou is much hotter)
"Hi...Marinette. Wow, you look amazing." He smiled while scratching the back of his neck.
I look amazing. I'm in sweats and Bakugou's hoodie. 
"Adrien. What. Do. You. Want?" I seethed out.
Louis could come out any minute now. And I don't want both of them to meet.
"So um...I heard you moved to Japan. And since I don't follow my dad's commands anymore. I decided to come visit you. Maybe see my son. I can-"
"Excuse me?"
"No. Adrien. You left me. You left me when your dad told you so. You left me. With a baby growing in my stomach. I was alone. I had no one and when I needed the father of this baby, you left me! And you didn't even try fighting for us! And now you want to see my baby! He doesn't need you!"
"I'm his father! I have the right to see him!"
"No, you don't! You left him and now that you 'dON'T hAVE TO lISTEN tO yOUR fATHER' you have the right to see him? Fuck you!"
"...Marinette. I don't know what's wrong but you never curse. I think these people you surround yourself with are teaching you the bad stuff."
"Shut up!"
"Mom! I'm done with my shower!" I froze and looked back to see Louis standing there in his police car pj's looking at us curiously.
"Hey, buddy." Adrien smiled and bent down a bit.
"Louis...this is Adrien. Mommy's.....very old friend." I said quietly.
"Ok," Louis replied quietly. 
He can feel the tension. He knows I don't like Adrien. 
"Can I get a hug, buddy?" Louis slowly walks up to him and lets Adrien hug him. But he doesn't hug back. 
Adrien lifts Louis into his arm and looked at Louis.
Louis is so uncomfortable. He's usually really outgoing with other people, even strangers. But since he knows I don't like Adrien, he doesn't know what to do.
"I'm Adrien. What's your name buddy?"
"Please don't call my buddy.." Louis mumbled playing with his fingers.
When someone holds Louis, he would rest his head on their shoulder.
Right now, Louis is sitting stiffly in Adrien's arms. 
"Why not?"
"Mr. Bakugou calls me that. I don't want you calling me that....please."
"Oh alright then. So what's your favourite colour?"
"Adrien, please. I don't want you."
The elevator dinged indicating someone came up this floor. 
"Let's go inside your apartment. We can get to know each other better, yea?"
"Adrien. I don't want you here. Just leave us alone." I said trying to get Louis from him.
"But I want to get to know him better."
"But I-"
I looked behind him to see Bakugou passing by.
He was looking down quietly. 
He was about to walk past us but then Louis spoke up.
"Mr. Bakugou!" Bakugou looked at him and Louis tried going to his arms.
Bakugou lifted him and rested him on his hip and Louis immediately pushed his face into Bakugou's neck.
"Ah. You're....Mr. Bakugou?"
"Yea. Who the fuck are you?" Bakugou suddenly started glaring at him
"His fa-"
"Shut up!" I slapped Adrien's face hard making his face turn to the side and my palm sting.
"I don't want to see you again! Just leave!" I glared. 
Adrien glared back but one look from Bakugou and he walked away.

I breathed in and out and looked to see Bakugou carrying Louis inside the apartment. 
I went inside and locked the door.
I went to the kitchen for a glass of water.

Bakugou's POV:
I came out of Louis's room.
"I told him to play with his toys for a while," I said coming into the kitchen and leaning against the sink.
"Thank you." She mumbled.
"You want to talk about it?"
"Alright then. I'll be off." I started walking away. She didn't want me around anyways.
"He's Louis's father." She replied quietly.
I froze and slowly came and stood in front of her.
"His father told him to break up with me because Adrien was too young to be a father. Adrien didn't fight for us and just left me. I gave birth to Louis and moved here for a new life. He never showed up. Never called me, nothing. And now he came saying his father doesn't tell him what to do anymore and he wants to see Louis. I don't want that."
She's looking down upset with clenched fists.
".....Sounds like a dick," I replied glaring at the ground.
I wrapped my arms around her neck and back and pulled her to me for a hug.
She needed a hug right now.
I felt her grip my uniform tightly in her fists and I can feel her shaking. 
"I got you."
"I just don't want Louis getting close to anyone. I don't want him to think they're going to stay when they're going to leave later on." She cried into my chest. 
"I know, Blueberry. I know. I won't leave you. I won't leave Louis. I promise. I got you." I rubbed her back and head while whispering into her hair. 
And it's true. I'm not going to leave her. I'm not leaving Louis either. Never

A little while later, I realized she fell asleep standing against my chest.
I chuckled and lifted her bridal style.
I took her to her room and laid her down in bed.
I realized she was wearing my hoodie making me chuckle. 
I tucked her in and kissed her forehead.

I shut her door quietly and went to Louis's room.
I knocked gently, pushing open the door.
"Hey, buddy." I shut his door and sat down in front of him.
"You ok?"
"Is mommy ok?"
"Yep. She's sleeping."
"Good. She doesn't get enough sleep anyway." He mumbled playing with his cars. 
"How are you feeling?"
"Who was he?"
"Just mommy's old friend. They're not friends anymore though." I said while resting my back against the wall.
"He was scary. Mommy didn't like him."
"I know buddy. But you were so brave. When you grow up.....I know you're going to be the best son ever. Most sons leave their moms and they worry their mothers. But I know you. You'll be there for her and protect her right?"
"Oh, course! If I can't protect my mom then I can't be a police officer!"
"That's right, buddy." I chuckled. 

"You want dinner?"
"Yea!" I helped clean his toys up, then I took him to the kitchen.
"Let's get cooking."

After eating dinner, I made him brush his teeth and tucked him into his bed.
"You're going to be good for mommy tomorrow right?" I asked while running my fingers through his blonde hair.
"That's a good boy," I mumbled. 
"You love my mommy don't you?"
".....Yes. I do. I do love your mommy." I smiled gently.
"Well...I think she loves you too! She acts like she doesn't....but she smiles really big when she sees you!"
"She does?"
"Mhm! And her face turns pink like Yua's face when she sees me!"
"Do you have a crush on Yua?"
"No! Yes.....Maybe?" He blushed bright pink.
"Number one tip, buddy. Don't change the way you act around her because of other people."
"Don't act tough because boys say you got to act tough. Sometimes you got to act like yourself. But protect her when she needs protecting. Always be there for her. Ok? And don't talk about other girls around her. Got it?"
"yes sir!"
"Good boy." I chuckled and rubbed his forehead gently.
"Go to sleep buddy," I mumbled while laying my head on my arm, and still rubbing his forehead gently.
"I'm glad we met you.....daddy...good night.." he mumbled and closed his eyes sleepily.
I stared at his face.
"I'm glad we met you....daddy...good night.."
"I'm glad I met you both too," I mumbled quietly and laid my head down on his bed.
"Just a little shut-eye," I mumbled falling asleep while still rubbing his forehead. 

Bakugou x Single Mom MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now