Chapter 14

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Fuck fuck fuck fuck
I said in my head freaking out.
"Man it'll be alright," Kirishima said patting my back.
"You don't know that! She fucking got shot!"
"I know. But it was in the shoulder. She'll be alright." 
"Fuck!" I gripped my hair and pulled at it. 

Marinette got shot in the shoulder. So as soon as I called for backup and cuffed the man. I punched him till he passed out then checked on Marinette.
Louis and the other kid were fine so I checked Marinette.
Her shoulder was bleeding but I covered it with a rag and tightened it so the blood stops.
After the ambulance and other officers came, I got her sent to the hospital while I grabbed Louis and took him with me in my car.
Louis was worried and crying silently. I kept my tears in and tried focusing on the task.
She's been put into surgery and I haven't heard anything yet.

"Bakugou...calm down."
"Yea, Ugh." I groaned and went and took Louis from Mina.
I held him in my arms and patted his back.
Louis was sniffling in my neck grasping my hair and shirt. 
"I got you, Louis. She's fine. She's fine." I wasn't sure if I was telling myself that or telling Louis. 

A few hours later, we were finally able to see her.
She was fine, just sleeping now. 
We sat down in her room for a while then I sent Louis home with Kirishima.
"She'll be ok, Louis. I'll come to pick you first thing tomorrow, ok?"
"Ok, dad." He whispered.
I realized he calls me dad when he's vulnerable. Like when he's sad or needs someone.
"Good boy." I kissed his cheek, ruffled his hair, and let him go with Kirishima.
I grabbed the chair, pulled it closer to her bed, and sat down.
I grabbed her hand gently and ran my finger over it. 

I didn't know what to do

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I didn't know what to do.
I just stared at her hand. 
"Fuck....Blueberry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen...I'm so sorry. I should've protected you." I mumbled while looking down. 
"Please wake up soon," I whispered then kissed her palm. 

Marinette's POV:
I opened my eyes and saw a white room.
I groaned and tried rubbing my eyes but my hand wasn't moving.
I looked to the side to see Katsuki laying on my hand. 
I sighed and tried remembering what happened.
I was at work...a guy was following me......Jason confronted him........Katsuki came with Louis...Katsuki arrested the man....and the man shot a bullet at......
"Louis!" I gasped making Katsuki jump out of his seat and stand in front of my bed.
"Don't you dare fucking move!" Katsuki shouted grabbing his gun. 
"......" He looked around and then looked back at me.
"You're awake!" He exclaimed coming at me and wrapping me in his arms.
"Shit shit shit fuck sorry!" He moved back but I pulled him back because I needed a hug. 
"Are you ok? How are you feeling? Do you need a doctor?" He asked me on my shoulder.
"I'm fine, and no. I don't need a doctor." I mumbled.
"Fuck, I'm so sorry this happened to you." He mumbled and felt my shoulder get wet making my eyes widen.
(Make the music above go to 1:24 right here and read the below part with the music.)
"Katsuki." I pulled his face out of my shoulder and looked at him.
He was staring at me with tears running down his face and a quivering bottom lip. 


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Bakugou x Single Mom MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now