Chapter 16

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A few weeks later and I was completely healed. 
I was told to take it easy though.
I started going back to work again with Katsuki dropping me and Louis off and picking us up whenever he can. 
Katsuki and I also have gotten closer. He basically lives in my apartment now. He probably only goes to his apartment for a change of clothes. And I love it. I love having him so close to us. 

"Hm hm hm~" I was humming a tune while making lunch.
It was Katsuki's and my day off today. We were going to pick up Louis from school after eating. Katsuki was in the living room doing weights and working out. 
"Coming!" I put the spoon down and went passed Katsuki who pecked my cheek and went back to lifting weights.
I went to the door and opened it but tried closing it right after.
His hand came and pushed the door open making a banging noise.
"Hey." Adrien smiled and leaned against the door.

Katsuki's POV:
I was lifting weights in the living room when the bell rang.
"Coming!" She walked passed me after I gave her a peck on the cheek.
I started lifting my weight again when I heard the door slam open hitting the wall.
I put my weight down and looked back at the door slowly seeing Marinette's ex, Adrien leaning against the door getting closer to Marinette. 
I saw red and left my weights.
I went up to them and Marinette looked back at me when she realized I was coming.
"You got some fucking nerve coming back here again." I glared and huffed.
"I just want to talk to Marinette."
"Well, she doesn't fucking want to. So if you don't fucking leave right this damn minute I'll fucking kill you." I said getting in front of Marinette and blocking Adrien's view of her.
"You can't make that decision. I just want to get to know my son."
"He's not your fucking son anymore! You may have put him in her body but that's it! You're just a fucking donor! Nothing else! You weren't there for him and never tucked him in bed! You never picked him up from school and never made lunch for him! You never protected him and never told him how to treat a girl! But you won't know how to do that either right? Because you don't even know how to treat Marinette. So don't even think that for a second you have the right to get to know him! Now fucking leave!"
"......Fine." He mumbled then walked away.

I was panting and glaring at him walking away while Marinette shut the door making me lose sight of him.
"Katsu?" She lightly touched my arm and then wrapped both of her arms around my arm.
"I'm fine," I said pecking her hair and walking back to my weights. 
"No, you're not. You're angry."
"He just can't fucking- Ugh!"
He can't just show up like that. What if.....what if Marinette realizes that Louis should get to know his real father. What if they get close again? What if whatever reason she fell for him first and comes back and falls for him again? What if...
"I got to go."
"What about lunch?"
"I'll pick up Louis and we'll have lunch once we come back," I said grabbing my shirt and throwing it on.
I grabbed my shoes and opened the door.
"I'm fine, Marinette." I kissed her forehead and then left shutting the door behind me. 

I got in my car and drove around for a while. 
I couldn't think straight. 
It was time to pick up Louis.
I did a U-turn and sped down the road. 

I parked in the picking-up part of the parking lot and got out of my car.
I grabbed my sunglasses and put them on, leaning coolly against my door. 
"Mr. Bakugou!" I chuckled and leaned down to scoop the kid.
My kid. He's my kid. 
I scooped him up and threw him in the air.
I rested him on my hip and he put his hands on my shoulder and chest.
"Where's mommy? I thought she was coming too?"
"I decided to come alone. Why? You don't want me?"
"No! Of course, I do! You're the best!"
"Great." I ruffled his hair and put him in the back seat of my car.
I got in my seat and started the car.
"So what did you do today?"
"We drew pictures about our families!"
"Cool. What'd you draw?"
"I drew mommy, me, and you! But my teacher was confused saying how I don't have a dad! But then I told her that I do. We learned that some families either don't have a mom or a dad. But then their parent might get married to someone else. So she said that mom didn't get married yet but I said it doesn't matter. And that you're my dad. You are my dad, right?"
".......Yea kid. Thank you." I smiled in the rearview mirror.
When I looked forward I could feel tears fill up my eyes.
He wants me. 
I used my shoulder to wipe my tears away. 

Once I parked in my parking spot, I got out and opened Louis's door.
"Ready for lunch, kid?"
"Yea! Race ya!" He ran off as soon as we entered the building.
He ran into the elevator and shut it before I can get there.
"Wait kid- Fuck!" I can't lose.
I ran towards the steps and started running as fast as I can.
20 floors here I come.
I ran and ran and ran until I saw the number 20 beside the door.
I slammed it open and saw Louis running down the hall.
I smirked and ran faster than him.
"Mom!" he screamed and I saw the door open and Marinette coming out looking at us with a shocked face.
"Last one to mommy is a chicken!" I said looking back at him running with his backpack and his tiny legs.
I ran and grabbed Marinette and stood behind her, kissing her face.
"I win," I smirked at the little boy slowly walking towards us panting.
My chest was going up and down fast.
"No fair~"
"No fair!? I had to run up 20 levels of stairs! That's unfair!" I pouted and rubbed my face in Marinette's hair.
"My poor baby." She left me and bent down and lifted Louis.
"Hey! What about me?"
"Shush." She glared at me and walked back inside the apartment. 
I laughed and went inside and shut the door.
"C'mon, baby. Let's eat lunch." I took Louis's bag and put it in his room and went back and started massaging his shoulders.
"Let's eat."

Bakugou x Single Mom MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now