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Valentine's features could be considered an ethereal beauty, something molded by the gods themselves. Her doll-like visage could fool you into thinking she is innocent,  intense to any strangers she meets, heart-shaped face perfect, lips were always seen pouting, and chin sharp as if ready to cut those beneath her.

But one thing that people first look at are her eyes: her canthal tilt is probably her best feature, and her alert eyes always standing out, those are the most expressive.

So believe John when he says eyes really are the window to the soul when he saw Valentine this morning all ready to murder someone.

Right now John can only pray for the unlucky bastard who dares be the subject of her wrath.

Her hand had a Tight grip on a piece of paper when he saw it was addressed to her.  At first, he doubted whether he should ask her about her sudden mood or just turn back and make a run for it while he still has a chance.

When she swiveled her head, he thought he saw his life flash before his eyes "the struckers are gone"

"What?" Said John dumbly

"Do I have to repeat everything I say, John? The fucking struckers are gone!" In the distance, he could hear the loud boom of thunder and then saw the box of stuffed toys get struck by lightning, roasting them black and covering what was once a cute plush toy.

"They left, taking with them information the knowledge of our headquarters" John took five steps back just to be sure he isn't gonna be roasted next.

When suddenly he felt a gust of wind when he saw Valentine's hand moving towards him and he was embarrassed by the girly shriek he let out, eyes wide when he saw she was merely handing him the letter.

Coughing awkwardly to regain his dignity, opening slowly the letter.

Val, I'm sorry for leaving without telling you but I already knew what you were gonna say and I know your gonna call me an idiot but I couldn't help it. My powers could help protect her, if I'm meant to have them, shouldn't I use it to protect the people I love? I've already lost my dad and I'm not willing to lose my mom, and she's gonna help us get my dad and your friend back. Trust me and I'll be back before you even know it.


Releasing a sigh, John placed the letter down and turned to girl "What should we do?"

"Call Marcos and prepare the car, we're getting them back" nodding in understanding, John left to follow her command.

While Valentine Looked out at the railing below showing the different types of mutants all hustling and bustling about, doing their jobs.

𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐭, andy strucker Where stories live. Discover now