Day 1-Hell save ME!

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Hey guys! Huh i actually have nothing to say! Oh well! Enjoy!

Akari's POV

I had just started unpacking when I heard sasuke come in.

"Dont unpack yet."

" Why not?"

" Because you are only staying in here for one night."

"WHAT! Why?"

" The assignment is to be a married couple for a month and one of the rules is we have to stay in the same bed. Wasn't it obvious. Your are in here tonight because i need to clean my room."

" No no no no no no! I'm staying in here."

" Its against the rules. Suck it up......." he turned around then looked back at me smirking " Akari." He said and walked away. Ugh i hate him!

" i heard that!" i heard him yell for down stairs. God i need to work on that. I hear him laugh. Grrrrrrrrr.

TIME SKIP CUZ YEA...............................................................................................................................................

After that little thing earlier, i changed and went to the kitchen for some food. When i got to the doorway i heard Sasuke yell " NOOOOOOOOO! IM OUT OF TOMATOES!!!!!!" I started laughing and clapping my hands and walk in the kitchen.

" What are you laughing at?"

" You."

" Oh thanks" he said sarcastically.

" Your welcome." I say and walk passed him to the fridge. I look and find leftover pizza. I take it out and heat it up. When its done i take the slices out and go to the couch and turn on Ghost Adventures, my fave show!

Sasuke's pov

After 3 hours of Ghost Adventures, Akari fell asleep on my lap. HEHE shes gonna be pissed when she wakes up. I picked her up and carried her upstairs to her bed for tonight. She surprisingly light. Then i went over to my room and cleaned it up. When i was done i went to check on Akari. Since she was still asleep, i left her a note that said i was going to the store for a few things and placed it where she would see it.....on her phone. Then i left for the store.

Akari's pov

When i woke up i was in the bed in the guest room i was staying in. I got up and look around the house but sasuke was no where to be found and his jacket is gone so i went back upstairs. When i got to sasukes door i heard my phone go off so i ran to see who it was. When i got to my phone i saw a note from sasuke that said he went to the store to get a few things. Ha probably tomatoes. Hehehe. Anyway it was a text from Naruto that said good luck with the teme. I texted him back by saying thanks and good luck with her. Then i texted sasuke saying don't for get the tomatoes. He he im mean. He texted back saying a sarcastic thanks and bty hes not a pillow. I blush and go down stairs to watch TV.

An unexpected love modern day Sasuke x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat